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Forum Post: 'US Lawmakers Forced To Support Israel' - Cynthia McKinney on PressTV

Posted 12 years ago on April 1, 2012, 11 p.m. EST by cerebral (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney says every candidate for Congress has to sign a pledge to vote for supporting the military superiority of Israel.


"Every candidate for Congress at that time had a pledge. They were given a pledge to sign ... that had Jerusalem as the capital city," McKinney said in an interview with Press TV on Sunday.

"You make a commitment that you would vote to support the military superiority of Israel that the economic assistant that Israel wants that you would vote to provide that," she added.

McKinney said that if a candidate does not sign the pledge or perform accordingly, "then you do not get money to run your campaign."

The former Congresswoman said that after she made the pledge issue public "the tactic changed."

"But this is what is done for 535 members of the United States Congress, 100 senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives have to now write a paragraph which basically says the same thing."

He comments came as US President Barack Obama vowed to sustain Israel's military superiority over its neighbors at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) annual gathering on Sunday.

"We (the US) will maintain Israel's qualitative military edge"... "We have increased military financing to record levels," Obama said.



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[-] 2 points by Reneye (118) 12 years ago

Cynthia McKinney is one of the bravest people on the planet. How is it that we are ignoring the beautiful people of this earth that risk life and limb to get information to us that will help us? Are we cowardly? Lazy? Afraid of being ridiculed if we turn out to be wrong? What is it?



[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

Lee Whitnum said if she gets a seat in Congress, she will expose the Israel lobby and hunt down these traitors, one by one.

Lee Whitnum exposing a candidate during a TV debate http://youtu.be/uL-EDrKGEc8

Lee Whitnum website http://www.leewhitnum.com

[-] 2 points by Reneye (118) 12 years ago

Wow, thank you!

[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

Yesterday during a live TV debate, Lee Whitnum lost her patience and called a candidate who supports Israel, a whore.


[-] 2 points by Reneye (118) 12 years ago

Oooooo-eeee, she'll gain notoriety with outward opinions like that. Hopefully she'll gain national awareness before "they" get to her.

[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

The Zionist hive has been attacking her since 2008, after the TV debate. Sarah Littman, who has a column in a local newspaper posted an article demeaning Whitnum. Sarah's supervisor told her that column was not about politics and she should not get involved, but Sarah did not listen and published another article. She was fired. Then she balked and pressed the red button to call the colony to help her. The governor, along with 3 Rabbis from major Synagogues, had a press conference to make a statement, because of Whitnum views on Israel, she should be from now on officially tagged as an anti-Semite. Whitnum never criticized Sarah, or the governor, or any Jewish person in her speeches against AIPAC. Whitnum is currently suing governor Malloy for slander.

[-] 1 points by rayolite (461) 12 years ago

Social fears have deeper control than we consciously realize.


Are we cowardly? Lazy? Afraid of being ridiculed if we turn out to be wrong? What is it?

Very logical questions Renaye!

Without good reason to ignore or reject the social fears, we simply obey them. Good reason includes factual information about the issues the fear revolve around and media will not allow such information.

The conspiracy controlling our nation, has designed media and our social structure to work together in what appears as somewhat logical or explainable ways. It is only those with info from outside the box that really ask good questions about WHY our leaders act as they do.

Then they get to OWS and a plethora of infiltrators swarm their info, IF censorship doesn't dissappear their info.

[-] 1 points by timirninja (263) 12 years ago

trolls tactic for today: DEPLETED URANIUM Why the U.S. using depleted uranium against their foe??? This is like during the Genghis Khan era - when the Genghis Khan army met extreamly hard resistance from the opponent. The opponent cities town and villages were born to dust, girls were raped and little children were killed. For the future generation wouldn't know how to revenge http://www.gulfwarvets.com/du.htm

[-] 1 points by po6059 (72) 12 years ago

mckinney is a nitwit. her father, billy mckinney , one of the biggest bigots around, when his daughter was running for office in 2002 , he blamed her troubles on a jewish conspiracy.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

Cynthia McKinney is one of the biggest whack job conspiracists that ever served in congress. If she told me the sky was up, I'd have to check.

[-] 1 points by po6059 (72) 12 years ago

i can't believe we actually agree on something.

[-] 1 points by Mowat (164) 12 years ago

Discrediting opponents is a Zionist tactic.

You are probably a member of AIPAC.

People are becoming immune to this rubbish.

[-] 2 points by jfusa (7) 12 years ago

Zionists attack the debater and rarely address what is being debated, because Zionism is a criminal and racist ideology, which can't be defended.

[-] 0 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

"You are probably a member of AIPAC."

Just more unfounded conspiracy theory from someone who listens to conspiracy theorists. Par for the course. People are becoming immune to McKinney's rubbish. She also happened to be a "9/11 truther," and blamed any and all primary challengers as Jewish conspirators against her. That's why she was eventually laughed out of congress. Can't wait for her expose of Area 51.

I never said AIPAC didn't have undue influence in congress, moron. I said that using her undermines your case. Citing her as an expert is like going to an institutionalized psychotic for therapy. It doesn't mean therapy is bad, or that you don't need it (you clearly do) but that she would be the wrong person to supply it.

[-] 1 points by hitintheheadgirl (-73) 12 years ago

Bu sometimes, they discredit themselves. Are you so desperate for support that you'd roll this nut out front. Please, don't embarrass yourself, don't leave McKinney out of it.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

I didn't roll this nut job out. The OP did. I am, in fact, saying she's a nut job.

[-] -1 points by GumbyDamnit (36) 12 years ago

Of course none of your DC crew has signed a declaration of love for Israel !

Military and various other categories of financial handouts to Israel really isn't at an all time high!

Don't worry, nobody with any self-respect or modicum of sense is going to bother trying to tell you anything, true or otherwise.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

I wasn't talking about Israel. I was talking about McKinney. Nothing she says about anything is to be believed. I have heard her talk extensively, and she is a complete nut job. I wouldn't be surprised if she asserts that Kennedy was assassinated by Big Foot from Outer Space. Given that, using her to support what might be an otherwise valid argument only undermines that argument.

[-] -1 points by GumbyDamnit (36) 12 years ago

And your point is exactly the one I made when it comes to OWS supporting anything RP is tied to, like One Bill At a Time!

He refused to sign the Declaration and we all know you think of him the same way, and his supporters even more despicably.

[-] -1 points by GumbyDamnit (36) 12 years ago

I'm telling you, do not believe anything she says about nearly the entire DC clan having signed their declarations of love for Israel or vulgar amounts of money being handed over to them from the US while working people here give up the fruits of 1 out of 3 to 4 hours of their labors and many others are homeless and hungry.

Nah, you're way too smart to believe any of that.......

[-] 2 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

You're way too stupid to understand that you don't cite a known conspiracy theorist to back up your arguments about anything, whether it be about Israel or the time of day. Credible evidence presented by credible sources (and verified facts) are what are effective. Discreditable looney's, even if correct on certain issues, only lessen the confidence anyone can have in one's assertions. Citing them is simply shooting one's self in the foot. There are FAR better sources to use for supporting the contention that AIPAC has undue influence on elected officials than an idiot like McKinney.

[-] -1 points by GumbyDamnit (36) 12 years ago

I'm telling you, do not believe anything she says about nearly the entire DC clan having signed their declarations of love for Israel or vulgar amounts of money being handed over to them from the US while working people here give up the fruits of 1 out of 3 to 4 hours of their labors and many others are homeless and hungry.

Nah, you're way too smart to believe any of that.......

And anything that goes against your cushy existence and half assed education is indeed a conspiracy theory, even if there is proof and record in the Library of Congress.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago

Man, you just don't get it.

I AGREE WITH YOU, YOU ASSHOLE, that AIPAC overly influences congress.

I'm telling you that using McKinney HURTS THAT CASE.

Jesus, what a fucking douchebag moron.

[-] -1 points by GumbyDamnit (36) 12 years ago

She hurts your case against her and it seems you need to pull your head out of your ass and maybe reconsider your judgments.

I can think of several elected servants, not in the club or accepting of the government ownership easy money, who are labeled the same by many like yourself.

Yet, they have done some very prudent and beneficial things on behalf of the people. Both D's and R's.

[-] 2 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 12 years ago


And as McKinney said, Bush blew up the World Trade Center.

Oh, wait, maybe it was Sasquatch.

You're a complete idiot. Discussing anything with you is a waste of time. Your breath itself is a waste of air. I will no,longer respond, since your two brain cells can't communicate with each other, let alone understand anything outside of your ideology.


[-] -1 points by GumbyDamnit (36) 12 years ago

Excellent, at least something productive came out of this. Now if only you would die too, the world would be better off sans one more extraordinary fool.

[-] 0 points by toukarin (488) 12 years ago

I don't claim to be any authority on the veracity of these allegations, but...

It is mighty strange how none of our political leaders ever seem to even dare to even voice disapproval for any Israeli action. Lets not even talk about expecting any kind of action.

It is mighty strange how easy it is to be branded an Anti Semite and how difficult it is to be called Anti Islam or Anti Christianity or Anti pretty much every other religion.

It is mighty strange how the atrocities committed on the Jewish people half a century ago are being used as excuses by their current leaders to justify the excesses which they now commit. It is an insult to their memory.

It is mighty strange that no one is bothering to actually ask the Israeli people what they think about all this. How their real concerns for standards of living are somehow superseded by the establishments imagined concerns about their security.

It is mighty strange that coverage of the OWS like protests in Israel is non existent apart from some articles in August and September of last year.