Forum Post: US is one big Factory Town
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:38 a.m. EST by Lilyhowell
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You ever heard anyone talk who lived their life in a factory town? A town where the factory or mill or mine owns the whole town, the sub-par housing, the grocery stores, the schools, and seems to have control of every aspect of an individual's life. Where profits over people is built into the structure of society. In old stories from people who lived in such towns, you would often hear that citizens/workers in the town would slowly start to drown in debt to the company. They owed back rent and could never work it off. They owed credit to the town general store and were stuck in a cycle of debt to the company. The prices the company run services charged were too high, the interest rates were too high, the housing was of poor quality and the education system seemed more interested in producing obedient workers than independent thinkers. This county has become a one huge factory town. A factory town run by corporations and corporate big wigs who seem to control more and more while we seem to be left with less and less, less agency, less resources, less social services, less jobs, less pay, less opportunity for credit, education, and independence. The social services that served us in the past are being scraped away like gum on the bottom of the corporate shoe. We are trapped in a system that has us exponentially in debt and with an ever-decreasing ability to control our lives. This controlling force is more interested in bottom line profits for those on the top than quality of life for the rest of us stuck at the bottom. Greed over love. War over peace. Company over community. Corporation over human. Wake up. Change the equation. We have had enough of the factory town and are ready to create a new community.
Here we are, once more.
International laws and treaties allow for tariffs on imports if they threaten the existence of a viable industry within a country. The US has invoked those laws and imposed tariffs on imports from other countries and saved those industries. This happened with the textile industry and the steel industry, to name a few. Unfortunately a town cannot do that, it would be nice if they could, because people build their lives around a community, then because of forces far far away that have nothing to do with them, they cannot compete and their community and lives are destroyed. Sometimes it isn't fair at all, but the alternative would be worse. Unfortunately or fortunately depending upon one's luck in a free society there are risks.
I am in agreement that the level of debt in this country is a huge problem. I think that we have become a debt dependant economy. It seems to be the only way that liquidity can enter our economy, is the creation of debt. I do not see how this is sustainable in a free society, because if liquidity can only be created by the Federal Reserve system through the creation of debt, then it seems to me that inevitably in order for our economy to grow we would have to become a generally indentured nation, which is what has happened. In my opinion the solution is that the Federal Reserve and debt creation not be the sole means for liquidity to enter the economy. We need another way, an additional means triggered by instances where the aggregate amount of debt in proportion to the size of the total economy becomes excessive.
Yep, just watch Grapes of Wrath. Excellent movie that all of should watch again these days. And read The Jungle. Very applicable as well.
Can you give me some advice on my theory? Thank you.