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Forum Post: US is not 15T in debt. Just added 200billion the last two weeks, so now its actually 15.2T!!!!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 10:54 a.m. EST by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Ok, so all the plans that everyone has for OWS either need to be scrapped, or put in a speed warp, because bankruptcy is right around the new year.

When a family goes bankrupt, they lose EVERYTHING.

When a country goes bankrupts, they lose EVERYTHING.

Wake the fuck up people.....



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[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

The sheeple still keep circulating hte dollars though...

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Apathy of 99% is what has caused this mess.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

The “live and let live” mantra of my fellow Americans has me wondering how well that philosophy has served us; it is too akin to apathy in my opinion. Take for instance a conversation I had on Facebook with some friends of mine. After my sister-in-law returned from Wall Mart, I opined as to why people “are waiting in the parking lot at 11:59, Thursday night, and stammer in to be the first person to buy cheap, consumer products at Wall Mart. My sister in law, for what ever reason, made it there last night, and her impression was that it was a circus of children arguing with other children, with children in tow, for the sake of children's Christmas.” In the conversation I began with my opinion—that “I honestly believe that people partake in Black Friday because they are so lonely that they enjoy the human interactions. The fighting is just an outcrop of the way they deal with confrontation in the homestead. Or they honestly believe that their fellow human is going to think more of them because they have the money to burn, which was an older theory I held. But who knows why people do what they do. Maybe it is just the rush of confrontation…” After being rebutted by another respondent, “to think there are millions of people that were born into countries that don't have a damn thing...they would consider each and every one of us 'rich snobs' for spending time criticizing our fellow citizens on Facebook (materialistic communication devices) on how they choose to spend their time/money. I say lighten up or join the peace corps so that the hypocritical opinions are fully realized. Happy holidays to those that CHOOSE to see how fortunate anybody living in this country truly are....I wonder what the starving kids in Somalia will get this holiday season?” , I am left with further pondering.

I am never impressed with the “you don’t like this nation you should move” card, and any one of its multiple deviations. In fact, I believe that the opposite of that sentiment should be the norm. If you love your nation, you should hold it accountable in every facet of life, economical, political, and yes, social. I believe that the “me Generation of the ‘80s,” is a direct outcrop of live and let live. To take this point one step further, the live and let live mind frame, coupled with economic self interests, is the direct result of the one percent paradigm. These people are not social deviants; they are just too synchronized with the spirit of our age. So, does that make me a snob because I articulate ideas and preferences that are not the norm? Last I looked, I live in a nation whose people value multiple perspectives or was my interpretation of the First Amendment wrong. Now, the non-starter rebuttal I experienced won’t deter me in my pondering. Most of what the person said, I agree with. Volunteering in a professional manner, I.e Peace Corps, is a good one pronged attack on a three pronged serpent. A well informed voter, an intelligently frugal shopper and worker, and a tenacity to hold your fellow neighbors’ behavior accountable are the hall marks of a rational citizen. The “Love us or lose us” line is usually the last vestige of an inarticulate argument. But the whole experience has me questioning the logic of the autonomist individual which our agrarian ancestors loved so much.

I’ve read, maybe to my detriment, many books on the subject of the American cultural waste land, and I believe that the live and let live mantra coupled with the dying societal respect found in the culture leads to live and let die.