Forum Post: US House Pedophile Rule
Posted 6 years ago on June 21, 2018, 10:40 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The power of the Speaker of the House includes a virtual veto of any bill the monster deems undesirable to its political agenda. Only Republicans have ever abused their authority in this way. The unpublished rule was initiated by Dennis Hastert, a convicted fraud and a pedophile.
"As of June 1, 2018, Republicans held 235 House seats and Democrats 193. The total is only 428 because there were seven vacancies as of that date. A majority of House Republicans is
- A majority of the House (as of June 1) was 215. A House bill supported by every Democrat would have to gain the support of at least 22 Republicans for the House to adopt it absent the Hastert rule. Under the Hastert rule, however, the Democrats would have to convince 118 Republicans to vote for the bill before the (Republican) Speaker would allow the House to vote on the bill. That means that a Republican Speaker would use the Hastert rule to prohibit a bill supported by 117 Republicans and all 193 Democrats (total = 310) from receiving a vote on the House floor. Those 310 supporters of the bill would represent 72 percent of total House members. A simple majority is supposed to decide virtually all House votes to adopt a bill, but the Hastert rule blocks even a super-majority of 72% of the current House members from being able to vote to adopt it. This is indefensibly anti-democratic. It breeds stalemates that stall the ability of the House to adopt vital legislation for years even when a super-majority favor adoption. It breeds hyper-partisan divisions and gridlock. Hastert was not simply a monstrous failure as a human; he was a monstrous failure as House Speaker."
''A simple majority is supposed to decide virtually all House votes to adopt a bill, but the Hastert rule blocks even a super-majority of 72% of the current House members from being able to vote to adopt it. This is indefensibly anti-democratic. It breeds stalemates that stall the ability of the House to adopt vital legislation for years even when a super-majority favor adoption. It breeds hyper-partisan divisions and gridlock. Hastert was not simply a monstrous failure as a human; he was a monstrous failure as House Speaker.'' - from your link & for proof of the assertions therein, see ... + & then this..
How can this PoS' amendment and ''rules'' - still apply? US Corporate Duopoly 'poly-tricks' - is utterly fkn corrupt & it has NO redeeming features ... yet a culture of US Exceptionalism, wants to think that US is a paragon of democratic virtue! NO, demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy is an abiding reality!! 3rd Party ASAP!!!
dum spiro, spero ...