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Forum Post: Politicians are Powerless

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 11:15 p.m. EST by JeffCallahan (216)
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I see so many post on here where people write about contacting Congress, senate, Mayors office etc.. These people are delusional politicians have no power this country is run by large corporations, and big banking. If you want change write to them.



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[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

OWS is getting its generator's pulled

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

Of course they are. IF OWS want change they'll have to ask the corporations for change they are the shot callers. Some two bit city mayor doesn't make any decisions he is told what he will do by the guys with the deep pockets. Those guys want OWS off the street. Think about it this way if someone takes a child hostage they call up and negotiate with one of the parents who can make a decision to pay a ransom. They don't call up and ask for the pool boy. If OWS has demands in exchange for getting out of the park they will have to negotiate that with the guys who control congress not the pool boys in congress.

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

sorry sir but if you think politicians have any power you are the nieve one. Sure the president could probably get a speeding ticket fixed or make a parking ticket go away but as far as effecting major change, those decisions are left up to the guys with the most money.

[-] 1 points by DouglasG (57) 13 years ago

To say Obama a politician is powerless is naive. It has to be the correct message though. So far I have not seen on the news one constructive point via the media coming out of the OWS movement which would accomplish what is desired to increase the amount of taxation on the 1%. As a retired IRS Agent I can tell you that if you want to get at the fat cats being the corporations here is an ironclad way to do it. There does exist a federal tax directed exactly at the problem herein in the USA which is never enforced. If a corporation witholds too much earnings it is subject to a tax called the Accumulated Earnings Tax. It is explained at Internal Revenue Code Section: " Sec. 531. Imposition of accumulated earnings tax In addition to other taxes imposed by this chapter, there is hereby imposed for each taxable year on the accumulated taxable income (as defined in section 535) of each corporation described in section 532, an accumulated earnings tax equal to 15 percent of the accumulated taxable income.." Anyone can call the IRS toll free number and have it explained then you can call the Office of the White House and ask the question as to why the IRS is not enforcing this law on the Corporations for whom the media states that they are holding onto trillions of dollars not spending into the economy to create jobs. I can tell you the IRS is not enforcing the law because the law does not have enough meat into it and it has not been enforced because of that thus making the law a joke. The OWS movement will absolutely grab the attention of the world wide media if it focuses on the AET and makes it a World Wide buzz in protest signs and does interviews regarding it with the business news programs of Fox Business Channel and NBC's Business Channel and CNN. If you make the AET a household term instead of Herman Cain's stupid 999 = 9% sales tax = regressive taxation of poor and compete with that you can get it to become a part of the Republican Presidential candidate debates especially with Michelle Bachman who should be aware of it being a former tax attorney. Do you think Herman even knows what the AET is? You don't so find out about it because it could force corporations to start spending their cash hoards to create jobs and end force the stopping of foreclosures because Corporation HATE and FEAR the AET when an IRS Agent brings it up in an audit examination. Put some muscle in your arguments. In addition sound off to the White House on the issue of taxing: "Unreasonable Compensation" being paid to Corporate Officers wherein "Reasonable Compensation" should = what the President of the USA makes and let the IRS go after all amounts in excess of that be considered as "unreasonable" = not deductible by the corporations on their tax returns of income tax purposes. WALL STREET will definitely not like that one and discuss that in interviews you give with the business networks. REPOST this if you understand this tax talk. If you don't ask questions for further explanation.

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

Your just buying into a mirage wake up. Politicians are puppets. Politicians have no power this country is run by large corporations, and big banking. If you want change write to them. Doesn't matter, right, left, independent, they are all puppets who do as they are told. Money is power. If you want change contact the CEOs of the largest banks and corporations they make the rules.

[-] 1 points by DouglasG (57) 13 years ago

To think that we have IRS because corporations want them and that they want the IRS is absurd. We didn't get the IRS because puppet politicians wanted it. You clearly don't understand what I have said so let me explain it better for you. A corporation can accumulate its earnings for a possible expansion or other bona fide business reasons. However, if a corporation allows earnings to accumulate beyond the reasonable needs of the business, it may be subject to an accumulated earnings tax of 15%. If the accumulated earnings tax applies, interest applies to the tax from the date the corporate return was originally due, without extensions. To determine if the corporation is subject to this tax, first treat an accumulation of $250,000 or less generally as within the reasonable needs of most businesses. Treat an accumulation of $150,000 or less as within the reasonable needs of a business whose principal function is performing services in the fields of accounting, actuarial science, architecture, consulting, engineering, health (including veterinary services), law, and the performing arts. In determining if the corporation has accumulated earnings and profits beyond its reasonable needs, value the listed and readily marketable securities owned by the corporation and purchased with its earnings and profits at net liquidation value, not at cost. Reasonable needs of the business include the following. Specific, definite, and feasible plans for use of the earnings accumulation in the business. The amount necessary to redeem the corporation's stock included in a deceased shareholder's gross estate, if the amount does not exceed the reasonably anticipated total estate and inheritance taxes and funeral and administration expenses incurred by the shareholder's estate. The absence of a bona fide business reason for a corporation's accumulated earnings may be indicated by many different circumstances, such as a lack of regular distributions to its shareholders or withdrawals by the shareholders classified as personal loans. However, actual moves to expand the business generally qualify as a bona fide use of the accumulations. The fact that a corporation has an unreasonable accumulation of earnings is sufficient to establish liability for the accumulated earnings tax unless the corporation can show the earnings were not accumulated to allow its individual shareholders to avoid income tax.

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

You seem so close to understanding what is going on then you write something like "Corporation HATE and FEAR the AET when an IRS Agent brings it up in an audit examination." Corporations fear no government especially the U.S. Politician. How could you fear something you own and control?

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

Your way to nieve. the governmet is the actor the big corporations and banks are the scripts writers. Politicians just repeat the lines and act out the scripts that there money master write for them. Rothschild was close to right nearly 100 years ago when he said "Give me control over a nation’s currency and I don’t care who makes the laws" He just didn't have the foresight to see that the power wasn't just the currency but also the Corporations and large banks. But in his defense I am sure he never though corporations and banks would ever get so large and powerful.

[-] 1 points by DouglasG (57) 13 years ago

That's exactly the point in that no one thought corps. and mind you banks are corps. would get so big especially when they deregulated them. That's why the AET is so important. You are essentially throwing your hands up in despair. Sometimes a movement takes time to get the correct message. The point here though is that the OWS movement has missed the boat completely and don't talk about the AET at all and that's not because they are naive as you accuse me but rather they are just like you in that they are ignorant (lack of knowledge regarding the AET) and it's understandable. It's psychological impact would be tremendous as it would force corporations to start spending their cash hoards yet OWS has it's head in the sand. It would = more jobs = less foreclosures. Meanwhile people like Bill Gates rake in the billions in the USA and then spend it overseas on charity as in Africa rather than using it to create jobs in the USA. GATES = Wall Street and Buffet is right there with him in his charitable organization

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

I am not throughing my hands up in despair. I'm just pointing out that if Americans want change they need to appeal to the people in power. Which are the Large corporations, and banks. Look at it like this if you want a refund at a store you ask for the manger you don't make your appeal to the janitor. Our politicians are the janitors, the corporations come in through a big party (fund raiser) tell the politicians how it's gonna be. And the politicians do as there told. We should just take the politicians out of the middle, send them home and let the public deal directly with the corporations.

[-] 1 points by DouglasG (57) 13 years ago

I have to disagree. When I started working for the IRS back in 1977 what I saw was a free for all. Here in the state of Maryland we put the Governor in jail, the Baltimore, Howard, Anne Arundel County Executives, the Baltimore City Council President etc. all in jail for kickbacks just like we got Al Capone and had Vice President Agnew also a former Maryland Governor removed from office. Corporations can no longer deduct political contributions as a tax deduction. If you take a look you can see there has been a lot of changes just look at the number prosecuted but greed is always going to be there. Why do we have the Anti-Trust department within the Justice Department? To break up monopolies and oligopolies. They enforce the anti-merger laws. Why? Because people are greedy and government is a necessary evil. If the OWS movement does not give a message their statement = zero. The AET is one method of sending a message which will be HEARD LOUD AND CLEAR by the Wall Streeters. Ask Bill O'Reilly about the AET and he wouldn't have a clue what you are talking about, yet the AET is the solution to getting the BIG Corporations to start spending their largese of cash. Many are just waiting for the right climate in example a new president. The IRS depends on voluntary compliance but the President would do well to put the AET in the Spotlight by giving a press conference on it jointly with Harry Reid who should hold hearings all as a result of the OWS movement who would be giving interviews on the subject to the business networks that would eventually be picked up by the mainstream media. It's only about 999 if the OWS movement let's it continue to be 999 with no mention of the AET.

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

Disagree?? You don't get to disagree. Big corporations run the U.S. politicians, and there is no Easter bunny. These two fact aren't in dispute. You can concede that your not smart enough to realize these two are true but you don't get to disagree.

[-] 1 points by DouglasG (57) 13 years ago

I disagree. At the beginning of the Clinton administration he via Hillary tried to revamp the medical industry and they were laughed at. Obama comes in and we end up with Obamacare. Big Corps. were against it but it still became law. Again: Query: What is OWS about? Answer: The 99% Query: How do you help the 99% and even the 1%? Answer: Get the economy going so people have jobs and less foreclosures. Query: How do you do that? Answer: Get people spending in the private sector = 1% Query: How do you get the 1% to do that? Answer: Tell them they have to because of the AET. Query: How do you get them to do that? Answer: By having the President of the USA put into HIGH PROFILE the IRS daily with news of actions it is taking to enforce the AET by having Harry Reid hold Senate hearing to put more teeth into the Internal Revenue Code. By having OWS do interviews with the business networks regarding the lack of enforcement on the AET. By flooding the Republican debates with questions regarding the AET instead of a regressive 9% Sales tax on people who earn no wages wherein you have Herman Cain telling them they will not have to pay as much employment tax = social security tax and medicare tax on their wages wherein not everyone is even working and paying in employment taxes but everybody has to pay a sales tax when they go to the grocery store. These are tax issues not to be directed at the White House not Wall Street as the White House does nothing even though they have all the power.

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

believe what ever you want. Your mind is obviously made up and you seem content in fantasy land.

[-] 1 points by DouglasG (57) 13 years ago

AGAIN I note: The point here though is that the OWS movement has missed the boat completely and don't talk about it at all. It's psychological impact would be tremendous as it would force corporations to start spending their cash hoards yet OWS has it's head in the sand. It would = more jobs = less foreclosures. Meanwhile people like Bill Gates rake in the billions in the USA and then spend it overseas on charity as in Africa rather than using it to create jobs in the USA. GATES = Wall Street and Buffet is right there with him in his charitable organization

[-] 1 points by DouglasG (57) 13 years ago

Sorry you are so childish to engage in character attacks. Growing up is a sign of maturity wherein one doesn't tell another to Grow up but rather respects or tolerates another view. Good night. Last post.

[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

OWS is as clueless as you are. You both think appealing to powerless politicians will get you somewhere. I know, I know you'll write back ( I disagree. . . . . ) and site another one of your delusions about how "we" made some kind of change. Grow up.