Forum Post: US Gov. is to Hindenburg airship disaster as Wall Street is to ?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 10:27 a.m. EST by Pipparona
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Are we all going down with them? Is our current system really the only option? If all the $$$ infused into our political system was instead put back onto our community and into systems that create a SUSTAINABLE planet we just might make it.
Why can't we elect politicians that run based on the "content" of their campaign not the $$$ they can collect from corporations? 2012 election is on track to be the most expensive ever, at an estimate $6 billion dollars. Who gives a crap about advertising! Isn't that part of the problem 99% of the population of the US rich or poor buys into our current election process?
Someone give me website that puts every candidate on an even playing field, spell out their political agenda and everyone pick the best option for them. Period. NO EXTRA BULL CRAP necessary.
HAHA is looking for $$$ donations, no thanks.
Of course they do, they have to run their site, and they have to run around the country getting signatures from people. Just because they are asking for donations does not delegitimize what they're doing. It's actually a really fresh approach to political issues and allows you to rank the issues that are most important to you and have intelligent discussion with people who align with your views and with people who don't. Would you discredit a local charity for asking for money donations? That's silly.
I definitely recommend this site for what you're asking for. It's non partisan (no really) where you can read about politician issues and take a poll to see with whom you align. Last I heard, they were about 9 million short of a 29 million (or something like that) petition requirement that allows whoever gets nominated by most of the people on this site will end up on the ballot in 2012. Cool stuff, check it out.
I like that, politicians don't wear their corporate sponsors on their uniforms! Wouldn't that be eye opening. Unfortunately, 99% of America is ignorant to the real issues. Politicians should not have to spend $ to be heard. I vote take the $ out of the system.
Well, why don't you run for office? I just hear a bunch of complaining on this site and nobody wants to put their money where their mouth is.
Why not debate issues rather than repeating the same tired phrases?
It takes time and a public consciousness to effect change and that's what this is all about. We are working to create change for everyone. It will take time, but it has to start somewhere. It has begun.
Unfortunately, the politicians don't wear uniforms with their corporate sponsors like race car drivers do. It would make things a lot easier if they did. But still, 99-1 is pretty good odds for us. Be persistent in getting your message out. Try to be inspirational. Persevere.