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Forum Post: U.S. Congressional Term Limits

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 9:19 a.m. EST by krocinstgrad (0)
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As a nation, we need to consider implementing term limits for members of the U.S. Congress. Wikipedia has a nice discussion of this issue:


The Occupy Wall Street movement may want to begin having some protests in Washington D.C. and around Senators' and Representatives' offices around the country. This would give people additional opportunity to have their voices heard locally if they cannot make it into the big cities.



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[-] 0 points by StopOWS (50) 13 years ago

Term limits has been what most people have wanted for years. You can't get it done. See, the politicians are the ones who make the laws and they won't do it.

This is a great issue for you guys to take up instead of the stupid ones you're asking for now. Occupy their offices until they promise to vote for it.

That scumbag Bloomberg is a good example. He threw out TWO elections where the people voted for 2 term limits so he could run a 3rd term. Said it was because of the economy. Most of City Council was in on it too. They said they would give him another term if they got one as well. They all did.

Bloomberg originally said he would NEVER, EVER go against the people's wishes on term limits. Then he looked at his bank statement and saw he made 6 BILLION dollars in his 2nd term putting him on the Forbes 25 richest men in the world ilst.

Then it was 'fuck you' people, I'm running another term and make another 6 BILLION. I'm sure Mayor BLOWME will say it was just a coincidence that he was the ONLY one on the Forbes list that made money, the other 25 LOST millions, some billions.

So yeah, I believe that's the best place to start, TERM LIMITS.

This issue could keep the movement going and you'll have lots of support for it.