Forum Post: URGENT!! “Who’s going to stop the Zionists from using the US military to attack Iran?” – only OWS and the US Military!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 8:56 a.m. EST by Barkode
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The President can’t do it – not in an election year.
The Congress can’t do it – not in an election year, or any year for that matter.
The Zionists have a down payment on the White House, and they own Congress free and clear. Zionist sources are said to provide roughly half of the bribe money euphemistically known as “campaign contributions.” They’ve turned the entire US political class into a gang of treasonous whores who daily pledge undying allegiance to the Israeli flag.
So who can stop them? Who can prevent a ruinous war on Iran?
RonPaul is pledging to stop them..And end the Feds reign of terror.
Even if RonPaul gets the presidency, he will fail to implement his ideas because he needs Congress support to make changes, which he won't get. By not exposing the Israel lobby now and just beating around the bush, acting like he is walking on eggs, RonPaul is missing an incredible opportunity to educate the people. After he loses the elections, he is going to be nobody and will not have media exposure.
Good points..Hope is wating for right monent to say the real truths..He doesnt get much time on the TV but will get more if he keeps winning..
you don't need congress to stop all overseas occupations, and you don't need congress to end all overseas aid.
I wouldn't mind RonPaul (in US CIRCumstances), although I never vote ..
Zionism is stupidity, its like Nazism based on outdated religious beliefs.
Nazism and Zionism have much in common. I described some of their common origins here:
No one. I think it is the wrong strategy right now, we need to get a revolution going in Iran and stop the lunatic keader who thinks the holicaust didnt happen.
Iran Can and Will make a pre-emptive strike against Israel and its Big Mouth allies like US and UK if they go on threatening. Iran is not Iraq, Afghanistan or even Turkey. Iran should make a flat parking lot out of Israel just like like Russia did out of Georgian controlled villages in South Ossetia. What did US do: nothing. This isn't any different. All Iran needs to do is to consolidate its position with Russia on this matter. The sooner the better.
As far as you go on occupying parks and squares, your governement will be not able to attack Siria or Iran, because political men know perfectly that their staying in the Congress depends on your vote and that the protesters are against the war.
So I responded to this in the other forum....
"Assuming that this barkode is correct and the 1% are ALL Jewish (I don't believe it), still their is no reason to hate that guy down the road cause he happens to be Jewish too.
Identifying the enemy is irrelevant. There is no 'enemy', only a system which allows for vagrant corruption.
What most certainly IS relevant is identifying the problem! Then solving it!
Who cares about race, religion, or anything else in sight of these things!
One thing I would be sure to do if I was wanting to bring this movement down though, is to pretend to be with the cause, and then, spout racist/sexist/offensive viewpoints. I would advocate all things(in the guise of an OWS'er) that are abhorrent to normal people... such as this racist rubbish.
You do not reflect MY viewpoint. Nor do I think you represent any kind of majority.
I will stand for your right to free speech, even as you utter words like this. I will not stand idly by and not respond however.
There are many, many Jewish people out there who are just really good people trying to make it, just like you. Maybe we should ask them to join us instead of offending them!
And if you still want to run this illogical diatribe, then perhaps the rest of the world should judge America, by what one American did? Are you George Bush?
Or how bout any of these people...Albert Anastasia · Peter Licavoli · Bobby Baker · Lucky Luciano · Louis Lepke Buchalter · Salvatore Maranzano · Al Capone · Carlos Marcello
All American. All criminals. Are you criminal? Because you happened to share a country with one?
No I think not. Instead of judging one race by a few examples, we should look to the problems that would cause this VERY THING. This illogical, unrestrained hatred.
You are not an OWS'er. You are an obvious plant sent to discredit everything OWS stands for.
Which brings me to a question... How much are they paying you to spout this crap?"
American, Jewish, Arab, German, whatever......
Do you think the average Jew even KNOWS what you are on about??? Instead of 'zionism', perhaps, you should join a new school of thought...
"Identifying the enemy is irrelevant" eh? You hasbaRATS and your zionist masters are getting really desperate ..
Who? Why the American People, that's who. Who else?
FBI says Pollard is a spy, Israel says he is not. Who should we believe?
Surely you jest.
Friendly Israel attacks the USS Liberty - -
The US sends $3 Billion.year to Israel, to help with the killing of native Palestinians and $2 Billion/year to Egypt, to make sure that government get along with Israel - -
Dual national Israeli/American Jonathan Pollard delivers top secret US documents to Israel - -
Dual national Israeli/American neocons in the US government send American troops to Iraq to defend Israel - -
Israeli soldier kills American sweetheart pacifist Rachel Corrie - -
Israel setup spy tech company in the US to monitor the FBI and CIA - -
Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt banned from US media for criticizing Israel - -
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney on US lawmakers forced to sign support of Israel - -
Lee Whitnum called anti-Semite by dual national governor Dan Malloy - -
US Congress ordered to applaud Netanyahu - -
AIPAC and the Israel lobby setup bill to stop peace talks between Obama and Iran, to force a war. -
Obama promises to do anything for Israel, to get re-elected - -
Occupy AIPAC coming in March
Occupy AIPAC, the Israel lobby, is coming in March. Although it might be a little too late.
AIPAC gets more police protection than Obama. Getting close to their proceedings is unlikely. They claim they need all that protection because of "antisemitism". Could it be their actions and influence that people oppose? I, for one, don't believe they need all the protection. It seems like high drama. It's their ideas and actions people want to attack, not their pathetic flesh and bones.
Good point, they can't compete against millions of dollars. But what Occupy AIPAC is going to do is to bring attention to the issue. Anti-Zionist Lee Whitnum did a survey in Connecticut, asking university degree professionals what AIPAC is. Only 2% had the correct answer. - Lee on TV exposing AIPAC. She is later tagged by CT governor as an anti-Semite.
The problem is that MSM coverage will be tightly controlled. You could have a million protesters show up, and the MSM will not report it.
Because of this tight control by the corporations and Zionists, people are not trusting MSM anymore. No matter how much money Hillary invested on it, as long as they keep the lies, no one is going to pay attention to it.
Small world. This Isaacson character is President and CEO of the Aspen Institute. That will get you back to the 9/11 Commission and psyco-terrorism expert Zelikow. It will also get you back to Heinz.
"Isaacson, a former Rhodes scholar, had served as editorial director of Time, Inc. Prior to that, he was managing editor of Time magazine. He is the author of an acclaimed biography of former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger."
And lots more.
it'll most probably be too late per se, plus that they now have the foreknowledge of what's coming and 4 months to prepare
Iran is not peaceful like the US. If they had drones and tomahawks missiles, they would actually use them.
We need to start a program of preemptively bombing countries that maybe might possibly could be thinking about harming us.
We could call the program "Bombing for Peace"
Oh wait, that program is already up and running in Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia…
the sluts in the Whore House and their zionist MADams should be locked at Gitmo as enemy combatants. Let's hope their water-boarding will be televised ..
Syria is on the chopping block as well. This is a pretty good presentation.
Notice who wrote the far-right war policy for Israel. US national security insiders:
Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute, Study Group Leader
James Colbert, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Johns Hopkins University/SAIS
Douglas Feith, Feith and Zell Associates
Robert Loewenberg, President, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
Jonathan Torop, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
David Wurmser, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
Meyrav Wurmser, Johns Hopkins University
In particular, note the Feith is the one who cooked the intel on Iraq's alleged WMD.
The Youtube video on your link is offline, but the audio link below is working.
This BBC Panorama installment The_War_Party also discusses the same actors and actions:
Zionism definition: “The belief that Jews should have their own nation; Jewish nationalism. Zionism gained much support among Jews and others in the early twentieth century, and the hoped-for nation was established in the late 1940s in Palestine, as the state of Israel. Zionism is opposed by most Arabs.” Fact: Jews had their own nation until another nation removed them from their homeland. Notwithstanding the debate over Iran’s nuclear capability, If Iran is allowed to obtain nuclear weapons, what would be the end result? The justification for supporting Pakistan is the preventing of terrorists from getting control of such weapons. Where’s the difference?
As an American living in US, would you feel threaten by Iran's (few) nukes?;
When was the last time IAEA paid a visit to Israel's nuclear facilities?;
Who is the only country with nukes in the Middle East?;
The Samson Option is related to: (A) Albania; (B) Iran; (C) Israel?:
Who controls the US media and CONgress: (A) Iran; (B) Bulgaria; (C) Israel?
“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in December 2008. “I just care that we get to keep running them.”
Watch Obama dance and sing when Helen Thomas asks the tough question:
yes, Obama's reaction ("Dancing with the Stars?") was/is more American than the hot dog ..
That's "frankfurter" in my America.
both are high in cholesterol. But zionism kills more Americans. So as for the life expectancy:
It sounds as if you are more concerned with anti-Semitism than Iran’s nuclear capability, or lack thereof.
Israel's vicious anti-Semitism is cause for concern, wouldn't you think? The chosenites are mongoloid Khazars (= NON-Semites!) and hate, steal from, torture and kill Arabs (= Semites).
"“Semite: 1847, "Jew, Arab, Assyrian, Aramæan," from Mod.L. Semita, fromL.L. Sem "Shem," one of the three sons of Noah (Gen. x:21:30),regarded as the ancestor of the Semites (in the days when anthropology was still bound by the Bible), from Heb. Shem.Semitic (1813 of languages, 1826 of persons) is probably from Ger. semitisch (first used by Ger. historian August Schlözer,1781), denoting the language group that includes Hebrew,Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, etc. In recent use often with the specific sense "Jewish," but not historically so limited.”" Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
According to both the early-20th-Century popular historian H.G.Wells and the Hungarian-Jewish intellectual and author Arthur Koestler, amongst numerous others, the people known today as Jews are primarily the descendents of a Turkish tribe known as the Khazars. The Khazars have no historical connection to Palestine. They converted to ÎJudaismâ between 620 and 740AD, and have no genetic connection to biblical Israel, and hence to the narratives of the Bible and the ÎHoly Landâ.
1.As an American living in America I am concerned that I ran is obtaining nukes and call America the devil.
really? The Samson Option has been designed for Iran??!
Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons.
“We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force.”
Former Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan : "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
The American media cannot be controlled? Haim Saban, the Zionist Billionaire who's obsession is a greater Israel, long time friend of the Clintons, that owns Univision, said “the three ways to be influential in American politics,” he said, were: make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets. In 2002, he contributed seven million dollars toward the cost of a new building for the Democratic National Committee—one of the largest known donations ever made to an American political party.
Read more
The original concept came from a book called 'The Massada Plan'. Why would all this bother you? Israel is 1 Jewish country. There are 48 Muslim countries. Israel never used nukes. The US used them twice. Who do you fear now?
I despise Israel because (as mentioned above):
“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in December 2008. “I just care that we get to keep running them.”
(Re to your private message):
if billions of people worldwide (including tens of millions of Americans) hating the chosenites is defined as "a tiny minority" in your dictionary, then u're severely math-challenged (to say the least ..)
We can talk math. We can talk anything you want. There have always been haters in the world. Tens of millions in the US population of 300,000,000 is a minority. That will always remain constant. They are the jealous and the uneducated. Why do you begrudge one Jewish country in the shadow of 48 Muslim countries? Math anyone?
umm, now you may want to talk semantics too. Do you have a clear understanding of the term "tiny minority"?
No i think you need to worry about the Islamic terrorist, remember they are at war with us, including Shitte countries like Iran and their terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Isreal is our friend and ally
If we quit doing right wing Isreal's bidding, we would not have any "Islamic" threats. They are not interested in us, (and actually most can care less if Isreal is there or not), but most arabs are just out defending their own ass from our aggressions. Notice I qualified Isreal with the term "right wing."
israel is your friend and our enemy
So says Rita Katz. Got any reliable sourced on that?