Forum Post: **URGENT Message to the 1%ERS!! **
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 11:50 p.m. EST by SmallUrbanVoice
from Brooklyn, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are the 99%. We do not own your corporations but we do run them. We operate the machines, we program the computers, we turn the wheels. We are already inside your buildings! We already occupy your corporations. You know this and it terrifies you. The millions around the globe who support the “Occupy Movement” work for global corporations and city municipalities and we can shut you down. The 1% are 100% dependant on the 99%. What happens when the 99% simply stop turning the cogs?
is it true Occupy wall street is opening their own restaurants ,where you can eat like a member of the 1% class at the cost all of us 99 % can afford ?
The 1% sits back with their millions and watch as the 99% starve because they are out of work?
And no, the 99% do not run the corporations. There is a reason there is only one CEO in a company.
this binary idiocy is one of the many reasons so many you call the 99% do not support you.
I am far from a 1%er, but I am even less like you. as incoherent and unintelligible as your message is, I have yet to hear anything that makes sense or can be supported. unequal wealth distribution is a problem, but ending capitalism is so far from the right answer, it's a friggin' joke.
the answer is to remove as much money from the government's hands (and their 49% partners in crony capitalism) as possible. it couldn't be more obvious. but you nitwits want the opposite!
ows couldn't be more absurd.
Pass this message along guys!!