Forum Post: Urgent Letter to Occupants
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 5:34 p.m. EST by RougeSix
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Dear "Occupants", I do not live in a city with protests. I do not have enough money to give to the cause. I do not participate in this movement in body or mass, but in spirit and hope. I know that a change needs to happen and it needs to happen now. Now is the time to act. The occupation of Wall-Street should be just the first step in us reclaiming the country that was made for us, the people. The parties currently in power have lost touch with the common man. They have forgotten what it feels like to be us. They have bloated themselves and their egos to a level from which there is no return. They do not speak with my voice, they do not see with my eyes. We are a large proportion of the population calling for a change, and it is time to make sure we are heard. It is time for a revolution, a rebellion. I am sure some will interperet this message in the wrong way. I am not calling for a fall of the goverment or a hostile take over. I love America and Democracy. I am calling for an end to the greed and thurst for power that has infiltrated political parties. Like the Whigs and The Federalists before them, todays parties have met their end. We will select new politicians. Ones that don't live in mansions, drive expensive cars, and wear only Armani suits. There MUST still be decent honest local politicains who would jump at the oportunity to help save this great Nation we love so dearly. If we have to we will use the power our nations founders gave us. We will write in candidates if we must. We must be better for our future, before we destoy what this nations was built on. I emplore you to not give money to any politicians but the party of the people we will soon create. Boycotte the expensive presidential debates. We must stand now, and stand tall. We will show that while the big fish are greater in size, we are greater in number and strength. The bloated Empire that Washington has become has forced our hand. We must rise up and unite. We must demand change. Let future generations call it a revolution. Let the history books speak of us as a rebellion. Every generation must have a Death Star to fight against, let us be the Alliance that brings down the greed of this modern day Empire. Spread these words far and wide, so that the talking heads have no choise but to silence and listen to us. They fail to realize that we are the power, we are the many, we are the ones to take back our government.