Forum Post: Urgent goal or it's all over: poste haste
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 7:39 a.m. EST by avenuee123
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Your movement is great but without a goal and focus you will lose the support of billions of people just like me- you need to put your energy into passing Obama s jobs bill poste haste. It includes more tax on the wealthy, it's popular and it is just- put all your energy behind passing this bill immediately or the billions that support you are gone. Today or it's over. Sincerely , Avenue E
It is a passionate video and a good message- the problem is millions of people want to support you but don t know what you stand for and in the end what you want to achieve- when my wife asks me what they stand for and I can t tell her and neither can you- you have a problem- and your losing support and good will every second you don t decide- the Obama jobs bill addresses some of your issues AND increased taxes on the 1% which you and I both want! The bill already exists and needs Occupy Wall Street needs to unify over it ASAP or I m telling you time is of the essence and you are going to lose support poste haste.
This movement is more than the jobs bill. It is about fundamental change in business as usual. Watch this!
The movement is over unless your goal is to pass Obama s jobs bill ASAP... You ll lose billions of supporters just like me
Poste haste: pass the jobs bill or the movement is over.