Forum Post: Updated Troll List: RichardGates JohnB RantCasey PlasmaStorm, FreeMarkets, trumpster, Vox559, libtard, marsdeflAnCe, MikeyD, oceanweed, ssst, ItsOnlyMe, Nobody33, monahan, sawata, ArrestAllCEOS, Freedumb
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 3:17 p.m. EST by verita87
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please don't respond to posts that do not contribute to discussion of ideas. This includes racist remarks or assertions that cannot be substantiated with facts. Let the posts die with no comments even if they make you mad.
I encourage everyone to post known trolls in thread titles so everyone can see who they are.
A troll crackdown!
Come on take it easy on them. They are jusy really scared.
They do have their purpose. When they come on a forum you like
and start some ignorant debate just string them along and the forum will stay in the forefront
That's what I'm trying to do in other threads...but I'm tired of the racist threads that get all kinds of comments that keep it at the top of the list. I'm ignoring any direct insults or racist comments.
I think ultimately the good will prevail, if the good are smart about it.
I forgot to mention that I just bumped this forum twice including this
I know what you are saying. It can be frustrating. I try my best to find post that I agree with and then try to have a conversation and keep it going. Every time you post you push the forum to the top for a while
Yes, that's why I'm saying not to respond to posts that are racist or pointless.
Thanks for the encouragement!
sorry for the delay response, been out of town
We will win the web battle (-:
I know good will prevail...but the media keeps skewing everything. I guess what really matter is what is really going on....not the perception of what's going on.
I have come to the same conclusion. People in general aren’t stupid, but many are beginning to realize that everything they think has come from the corporate media directly or from parrots
Now that people are starting to ask themselves why I believe what I believe? Tthey are find more questions than real answers. The internet allows people to seek the truth like never before. A new awareness of real truth is emerging
Please add, FawkesNews.
collegesports rivalry.
calling westhost my website is down
talking to someone
my domain name rental had expired
i paid by credit card over the week end
they called accounting to confirm
should take 2 hours to come back up
but if there was not trolls, y'all would be sitting around holding hands and agreeing with each other. Where is the fun in that?
True, it is amusing when you back up an argument with facts and the trolls don't know how to respond.
Really? A troll list? If you want real democracy and freedom of speech, then you take the goodwith the bad. Just because people disagree or have a smart ass way of reponding? This is bullshit. What is next? Protesters who don't agree with the Generl Assembly are kicked out? You sound like a bunch of fascist yourself. And what do you think the mainstream press will do when they find out the OWS forum banns speech? Maybe you are the troll trying to ruin the cause? I have had plenty of heated discussion. And you know what? I like it. That is what democracy looks like. It's UGLY! Fools! If you are trying to change the perception that the OSW is more than cry baby hippies, this is NOT the right step. If this continue,even though I agree with the movement, I am out. You cannot fight corruption with more corruption.
I don't think anyone should be censoring, simply ignored if they are racist or don't have a point. It's not about excluding differing opinons, it's about ingoring racism so that it doesn't keep surfacing in the thread list.
Ron Paul troll alert! Alert Ron Paul has been right for 30 years. If you were not born early enough to know..... then educate yourself!
You simply don't agree with that person's views.
No one should be censored, but racist remarks should be ignored, this is my goal.
The dipshits don't know when to quit. Yet another: OWSDoobie
Two more openly obnoxious tools - OWSCommies & TrollGestapo
Isn't there any way to block certain users???
I'm not that tech savvy, but I also don't think that it's wise to censor people even trolls. Just don't respond to comments that are racist, or have no corroborating facts, or are outright insults.
I am against censorship. I am fine with a persons belief in antisemitism or antirassism or buddhism but I am no antisemite or antirassist or buddhist, and I am not interested in their "arguments". So I just don't want to talk to these persons. I want to block them. Others may decide to block me. Censorship means someone else decides for me what I may read and say.
I respect your desire to not want to listen to views you find offensive, but if someone were censored because they were labelled a "troll" it fuels the fire that opposing view points cannot be heard. Personally, I am interested in view points that are different from my own as long as they can be backed up with facts.
My strategy is to ignore posts that have no value. If you find a way to block those you don't want to listen to others may want to know how also.
I don't want them to be "silenced", just filtered "for me". Customized. I don't have to read a book about gardening and when a bookstore specialises in gardening I would not be interested to buy there.
My idea would be self-selection. You have moderators which rate a post / contributor as anti-semite, offensive, inflammatory, spam, hateful etc. and I set for my account whether I want to read messages flagged as inflammatory etc. by a moderation team I trust and I can block a user for myself, my peers are then free to overtake my person al blocking list. Slashdot developed the friends&foes scheme.
Don't you think there would be some value in listening to views you might find offensive if only to make you own position stronger by arguing against them?
Please add Zara
Another one: therealddeal2011 - Pimps that sociopath Soros, tries hard to diffuse and discredit, often falling back to strawmen and ad-hominin when his bullshit is called.
Add Rob, JackPulliam3rd, obama2012
thank you for the props. i was getting a bit annoyed considering the classics I posted. I feel like RUSH and the rock and roll hall of fame not giving them their due respect. Just a Working man, guess that's what I am.
You lost,
He is no troll. He is a double agent bent on making you think he is a troll when, in fact, he is trying to infiltrate real trolls. The intention is to discredit the trolls as being people who actually agree with this movement but that is far from an accurate representation. This guy is as much of a troll as you or that guy standing next to you (who is not a troll either). I demand a recount and you can hang Chad (that dude standing next to you) to prove my point. God, this is so unfair!!!
Internet is serious business, come on gents!
i loled.
There are actually only a few trolls that I haven't been able to have a pretty decent conversation with once I ignore their insults and engage them. We don't always agree on everything, but at least I get a sense of their point of view that isn't as cookie-cutter as it would have been before engaging them, and they start to respect me if not my point of view then at least for my willingness to engage and listen. All of that is a step in the right direction and increases the chances that the next engagement I have with someone like them or that they have with someone else will be less trolly. Maybe the odds are only improved slightly, but if we all do it, the effect can be powerful. Most of them are the 99% too, so we need to find a way to work together when at all possible. It can be hard to get through those initial rounds of knee-jerk reactions and character assumptions, but if you can get past all that excrement you might find they are people wearing troll masks. Sometimes. Most of the time?
I have had some success (I think) engaging trolls, when I've tried to understand their point of view...when I back up my opinion with facts it seems to dissipate their vehemance and assumptions that OWS is a bunch of liberals trying to ruin America.
I was getting frustrated with people trying to trick me into making anti-semitic remarks (where are all these anti-semites coming from?) and bogging down the discussions with remarks that I thought contained not a differing point of view, but utter non-sense or out right insults.
You may not agree with my response to this frustraions, but at least it's inspired some lively debate about censorship! ;)
At first I was pissed of that the "loudest guy in the room" was getting all the attention. But now I agree with the website's policy of total non-censorship....the anti-semtie people still really bother me, but maybe I need to accept the good with the bad.
Haha, I wonder if the person who up-voted you noticed the sarcasm considering you're on the list of trolls at the top of the page. Or maybe it's not sarcasm and you really do think you have no value to add ;)
Unions influence OWS that's a fact
go fk yourself
Awesome, hit Chaz up too, if you don't mind, if he wants to help and reply; IMHO he's pretty trusted as far as activity on the list to date and I would love to have him on board. He might be missing the requests and have me in his spam filter already or something!
On 10/19/2011 10:55 PM, Richard Gates wrote: Hey, sorry about that. I re-read the initial mail. I would love to. I am available until 4pm central every day.
do not listen to this guy.
Ha, now a troll is trying to out a troll. I love it. Keep it up verita87 and you'll have them all in here.
"NYprotester 0 points 16 hours ago Have you been to a Dirt Bagger rally?"
dude you have already been outed too.
Well you better come get us all out of the park. Distracters are distracting.
You forgot the pickles.
That's good that you're not recognizing the anti-semites as trolls. So they ARE part and parcel the make up of OWS.
That's going to sit real well with middle america. I don't know who is organizing OWS but they're doing a piss poor job. (and don't say there aren't any 'leaders')
No, anti-semites and all racists are trolls. Ignore them.
Then I nominate 'cod' and 'prothink