Forum Post: Up 2 us now
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 3:42 p.m. EST by swens
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its up to us now. A and use the wisdom in chapter two of "No Ordinary Time", the book by Doris Kearns Goodwin regarding the inner strength it took for FDR to confront and build confidence during an extremely demanding time for our nation and our world. The message from Occupy WallStreet is not singular, but it does come from the heart and deep within us...the confidence that comes from meeting the challenge of change and reform was "infectious" by all accounts from those that were around FDR during those "out of comfort zone moments"....this is where we are with ourselves and we have to be honest that while we can only blame each other for the current state of relations amongst us all, whether the current slanted economic realities of greed got us there or not is not the issue...its what we all collectively do to adjust. If you get a chance to read this chapter there are some significant parallels with today's times. Go forward Occupy Wall Street ! Stay Strong and Confident !