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Forum Post: UnWanted Posters No service for the Rich

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 10:40 a.m. EST by wallwillie (39) from Hunter, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

With occupiers going global, the Rich will have no place to hide. Marching on their homes is not enough. The value of money is you get people to work for you. Destroy their money by not providing them with goods and services. Make them pay huge premiums to get goods and services.

What is needed is an universal strike against the Rich.

Create UnWanted Posters of Rich People who are targeted for not getting goods and services.



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[-] 2 points by JackPulliam3rd (205) 13 years ago

Sure. No problem. Now define the "rich". I'm struggling to get by, but compared to a lot of people, I'm rich, and I bet you are too. What if a homeless guy looks at you and decides that the rich have no place to hide? Better duck.

[-] 2 points by orionstarman (123) from Kingsville, MD 13 years ago

Hitler had the Jews you guys have the rich. Stop the scapegoating. All you need to do is return the rule of law. You break the law you lpay the price. Not all rich people are evil.

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

Comrade, this is why people don't take OWS seriously. When will they understand that there should be no rich people?

[-] 1 points by wallwillie (39) from Hunter, NY 13 years ago

Simply, the rich do not care, for the least well off, than themselves. Someone who makes a lot of money, pays no taxes, and does not help the poor, sick and elderly is rich. The rich are those who follow mammon.

The rich would be wise to provide for those least well off and not have to worry about Paris mobs. Yes, I had people steal from my family, because rural America does not ask for a hand out and we were city people. I need the rural Americans to get jobs, so they will stop stealing from us. We would like to give them jobs, but we pay a third of our income in property taxes. Would be nice if others paid more in taxes or created jobs.

[-] 1 points by NachoCheese (268) 13 years ago

If that is your focus, why did OWS not call out Russell Simmons for his hypocrisy?

You do realize that he is an ultra-rich owner of a pre-paid debit card company, and successfully lobbied Congress for an exemption from the financial reform regulations for pre-paid debit cards, right?

Why was he not only supported, but enthusiastically so?

So he pays lip-service to what is central to the protests and therefore gets a pass?



[-] 1 points by mindhawk (175) from Jefferson City, MO 13 years ago

I find 'the rich' too vague, the 1% are the ones who really are pulling strings and responsible for the parasitic corruption that threatens everyone.

Rich vs. poor is too simple a message, it insults the reader.