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Forum Post: Unless you are self employed. "Your job" isn't yours, is your employer's

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 2:30 p.m. EST by growup (58)
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And he's free to manage it anyway he wants.



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[-] 1 points by mleon (53) from New York, NY 13 years ago

and under feudalism, your land wasn't yours it unless you where a prince, and he could do anythin he wanted.

But lets face it. Management doesn't reall do anything. not then not now. They just tell other people to do things, and when people figured out they could run a country without kings and princes, and manage land without feudal lords, they did.

Today most owners don't even bother to manager their own companies, they hire CEOs. So their company in a conceptual idea, becomes a rather hazy term.

The biggest revolution people need to fight is the one inside their own head. They need to stop thinking its at a companies good graces that they are hired.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Agreed, so perhaps you would consider our group's proposal of an alternative online direct democracy of government and business at http://getsatisfaction.com/americanselect/topics/on_strategically_weighted_policies_organizational_operating_structures_tactical_investment_procedures-448eo , for this is a small-business-bottom-up approach, not today's big-business-top-down approach, so if agreed, join our group's 20 members committed to that plan at http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/StrategicInternationalSystems/

[-] 1 points by rajarood (67) 13 years ago

How about being self-employed, debt free, living in one of Pam Dorr's US$20,000 homes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYkPJMAaLpU and driving a [Frak You Big Oil] electric vehicle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgdrans77co

Debt and interest are the whip and shackles of the corpoRATocracy bankster plutocrat slavemasters!



[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

That is why we need to stop begging both government and corporations for "jobs" and create our own.

It's been said quite a few times here before.

As a self employed person, I have mentored others to become their own bosses. This is the way forward.

