Forum Post: Universals of Revolution
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:19 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The revolution's organizers gather the strength of the people with promises of more equitable distribution of wealth/power. The assurance may be honest and sincere. The leaders may hope to deliver. Sometimes it works.
What the establishment fears the most is the loss of the significant wealth/power the people need to live. They're willing to compromise, but not enough to cover the demands of the people, the non rich who work/consume and create the wealth.
The leaders of most successful rebellions are able to negotiate a cession of power/wealth that gains them a position in the council of the elites. The people, whose power wrought the change, may gain little or nothing.
Is their no point to revolution? Hardly! Many real improvements have come by them in the past. None have ever come without revolt that instills fear the rich ruling class. If FDR hadn't judiciously kicked some back to the people in the thirties, we'd be socialists today. If we're gonna live, we gotta maintain focus! We need the money that the frauds, the Wall St aristocracy, has taken from our community.
The liturgy of Thought Control
Praise ye the money god. Praise ye the world's greatest economy. Praise ye the world's reserve currency. Praise ye the all knowing market. Praise ye the all knowing banker lords of Wall St. Praise ye the all powerful and all wise über investors.
Smite ye the Great Satan government that afflicts the job givers. Smite ye the source of all regulatory evil. Smite ye the unions that limit profits. Smite ye the people whose greed stifles competitiveness. Smite ye all who covet the wealth of the lords of finance. Smite ye those who oppose the owners of America.