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Forum Post: Unity & Discipline - 8 Simple Demands - Repeat Them Like Republicans

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:22 a.m. EST by stumoja (4)
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The voices and demands need to be unified and disciplined (just like the thoughtless Republican machine). These 8 ( http://coupmedia.org/occupywallstreet/occupy-wall-street-official-demands-2009 ) are a good starting point, focused on corporations and the govt. It's Occupy Wall St, not Occupy Legalize Marijuana or Occupy The Environment or Occupy End Capitalism.

Sure, everyone's got a voice, but not everyone has to appear on Fox News as cannon fodder for Fox to frame Occupy Wall St as "Anti-American socialists" as this video so deftly and sinisterly portrays:
http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201110030011 And anyone caught smoking pot should be asked to leave.



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[-] 1 points by stumoja (4) 13 years ago

This movement can accommodate all voices but should focus on those related to corporate malfeissance.

[-] 1 points by stumoja (4) 13 years ago

RicoSuave, I disagree. It's far from too late. This thing is just picking up steam. I'm not naive. I've watched movements form and die and this one has big guts to it. Sure, the kooks and slackers are there but so are the common men and women of this nation.

My concern is there are defined demands that aren't being heard.