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Forum Post: United Direction or the Stand wont Change anything....

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 8:59 p.m. EST by Khandid (0)
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I have waited for People to stand together for SOOOO long... and I am so proud of every one speaking up. Now I want to see one person be our voice..or at least our back bone against those who ask the stupid questions.. Because the reporters can not see, they are bought and paid for by the governement, censored to tell us what they want us to believe. We need a real focal point to shine. Wall street is the bank, we need to cast out the tellers... Cangress, Senate and their keepers... We need a Forensic Accountant to do the Federal books. We need to take back our money from Congrees retiries who still get a pension when they only servered 2 or 8 years.... and still get a LIFE TIME pension And ALL Ex Presidents and Widows who get FULL Pensions..... Fow a Term or Two? Why? Do you get a FULL Pension for only 4 or 8 years of work? No.. Hell No. This is rediculous... and then to learn that Congress can NOT LEGALLY take a pay cut ?? WTF? Did you know this? And did you know that the Governement wants to take away Your Social security and Medicaire after They BORROWED Trillions of money from BOTH institutions and HAVE NOT PAID A DIME BACK!!! REALLY?! Do they mention any of this to the PUBLIC?? HELL NO....



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