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Forum Post: Unite with ponzi- second attempt

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:02 p.m. EST by AndersP (3) from Sandviken, Gävleborg
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Hi guys,

I really appreciated the input on my last piece, if you have any amendments, omissions or errors on my part please post them. Fire away.

  1. The economy with fiat currency is a ponzi scheme where resources are taken in exchange for money whose only value lay in the countries military and political power.

  2. We need to give people more power than corporations.

  3. We need more values than the economic ones.

  4. We need to be able to hold corporations and governments accountable for their actions.


Imagine a group of people (banks) that have a cake. They give the 10 people near them an i-owe-you bill which gives each one of them 10% of the cake, in exchange for their work.

10 new people come and are each given an I-owe-you bill worth 10% of the cake. Now 200% of the cake has been promised. We the increasingly have to take loans to make ends meet?.

Banks have a monopoly

When you go to a bank for a loan the basics is that they don't have any money.

We create- with the promise of our future work or a piece of our house- an asset for the bank, which then goes to the government which recognizes it as such- money is created out of thin air. The bank then takes the money and write us a check for that amount which we pay off month by month by working more and more.

Banks give out loans, to earn interest, so the more new projects, like cutting down a forest, that goes on, the more money they make. This is why the economy has to grow all the time. In fact, they are so interested in making loans that they give bad ones. The we, the people, have to bail them out, as in the U:S: and currently in Europe (Greece).

Worldwide ponzi scheme

What is more, those resources will run out. We are living on the prospect it will go on while our children have to pay the price for our success. They are the next person in a worldwide ponzi scheme.


This is seen particularly well when it comes to imperialism where the (often) western world cuts down a tree and make money out of it in exchange for a (often) third world country’s resources in a bid to get more of them.


The problem with corporations is that the worse they behave the more they will be awarded. All the jobs goes to countries with low acceptance for human rights, which are then able to produce cheaper products.



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[-] 2 points by George16 (6) 13 years ago

What we need is term limits on political parties. For instance, If a republican has served 2 terms, term limits on political parties would prohibit a republican from running for that position for one term. It's time we introduced some new parties that aren't so connected to corporate America.

[-] 1 points by HapteMikael (162) 13 years ago

Good post.

[-] 1 points by synonymous (161) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Vote with your money people!