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Forum Post: Unite the movement with ponzi+ other values.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 10:24 a.m. EST by AndersP (3) from Sandviken, Gävleborg
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  1. The economy with fiat currency is a ponzi scheme where resources are taken in exchange for money whos only value lay in the countries military and political power.

  2. We need to give people more power than corporations.

  3. We need more values than the economic ones.

  4. We need to be able to hold corporations and governments accountable for their actions.

  5. b. Imagine a group of people (banks) that have a cake. They give the 10 people near them an i-owe-you bill which gives each one of them 10% of the cake, in exchange for their work or a part of their house.

10 new people come and are each given an I-owe-you bill worth 10% of the cake. Now 200% of the cake has been promised. Then new I-owe-you's are issued in return for that persons work or resources. All this would fall rather quickly if not the first people were getting a small part of what the new people are bringing. They get to spend resources for their I-owe-you's.

This is seen particularly well when it comes to imperialism where the (often) western world cuts down a tree and make money out of it in exchange for a (often) third world countrys resources.

  1. b. The problem with corporations is that the worse they behave the more they will be awarded. All the jobs goes to countries with low acceptance for human rights, which are then able to produce cheaper products.

Any amendments, errors or things omitted? I would really appreciate any imput.



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[-] 2 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

More simply put, when you want to buy a house, you ask a bank for a mortgage. They ask you for a note for lets say 100,000. you give them the note, they ledger it as an asset in their books THEN cut you a check for 100,000. Then they claim they lent you money. Who has seen ANY MONEY when they bought a house by mortgage. Nobody! you funded your own loan like a dumb ass, AND THEN you make more payments as if they actually lent you something. Henry Ford said "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." are you starting to figure out what he was talking about almost 100 years ago..

[-] 1 points by AndersP (3) from Sandviken, Gävleborg 13 years ago

Yes, you give them a peice of your house and they give you an I-owe-you note if I understood you correctly?

Thanks for your input.

[-] 2 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

not exactly, you give them a mortgage and they will take your house. The note IS money the same as a federal reserve NOTE. One is debt from you the other is debt from the federal reserve bank. Banks have no money they use credit OUR credit. Ask some people high up that work in a bank. at the end of every banking day the bank has 0 money, EVERY DAY! The only way they can do business is by getting fools like us to give them more notes. WE fund our own check to buy a house. They sell the note for more credits then we get nothing. Then they make us pay them more money each month. Where the the heck is my cut from selling MY note, you dirty bastards! its a scam beyond comprehension unless it is carefully explained or one does the actual study as to what is actually happening in a banking transaction.

[-] 1 points by AndersP (3) from Sandviken, Gävleborg 13 years ago

So we create (with our promise of work or a piece of our house) an asset in the bank prompting the government, or central bank, to recognize it as an asset of the bank. They then write us a check for that asset, which we then pay off month by month? So, in a way, governments have given banks the power to be an intermediary, and prevent us from doing this on our own. The bank starts with nothing and end up with our payment?

I have to work this into my notes.