Forum Post: Unicalism -> realistic? Leave a review..
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 3:45 a.m. EST by TheUnican
from København, Hovedstaden
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So far the base of Capitalism is the best macro economic system we got, but why not improve it? Unicalism is Capitalism ‘Version 2.0′, while the list of short comings in The Capitalistic System is endless. The consciousness of big corperations has often been compared to the minds of psycopaths, to name an example. Find out more on the blog:
Sorry but what is Unicalism? Never heard of that one! Greetings from Berlin to Denmark!
Greetings back. Well Unicalism is (in all modesty) a spark that started as vision of mine, where The Capitalistic System is being upgraded to have a more human face. All should benefit from this improvement, and if you read more about it on the blog, you will find that it (amongst many other things) is a system that rewards rich people that invest in small entrepeneur-ship (in other words poor people with good business ideas)