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Forum Post: Unfiltered Patriotism

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 7:22 a.m. EST by EthanAlan (5) from Fairbanks, AK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A handful of plutocrats have taken control of a nation that was supposed to be governed by the people, and this needs to stop. But first, we need to make people aware of what is happening. The Left and Right wings are illusions. This two party system creates dissent between citizens, who look towards the ruling class to protect them from each other. It is obvious that no matter what letter they have beside their name, a political player in Washington is only looking out for himself and his paymasters. He will do the bidding of whomever pays the most, and secure another election for him. Most politicians rely on funding from large organizations (be them corporations OR unions), and not personal donations from the citizens in their district. They also receive donations from these organizations outside of their district, proving that they will follow the money as opposed to their fellow Americans. That is the behavior of a mercenary, not a public servant.

I think we can all agree that people like that being in control of our government is a bad thing.

If this is something we all acknowledge, then why is it we listen when these pundits telling us we should be enemies? Instead of listening to Schultz or Beck, we need to talk amongst ourselves and discover our similarities and our differences. We are rational adults, we are neighbors, and we are Americans.

It's a big thing to go against one's better judgement, especially when its a belief held for years. I have always been leery of tea-party types and conservatives in general, but a few of them came to speak to us, against their own "better" judgement. They came and respectfully listened to us, and believed in what we were saying. They asked us what we were about, and engaged us in conversation, instead of just screaming talking points at us. That threw me off big time. And when they said how hypocritical it is for them to deny someone basic human rights just because they personally disagree with it, that is what encouraged me. These guys are getting ostracized in their respective camps just by talking to us. Accused of being traitors, turncoats, RINOs, even spies, but they come every day. Their families come with them. They want to help us and support us in any way they can. They give us a unique opportunity to reach people who would just yell obscenities if we came to them alone. And even if only one or two more people start to show up and help us because of it, then it'll be worth it. And if they are willing to defend the 1st amendment no matter how they feel, we should respect their right to express the second amendment, no matter how we feel.

We can't pick one amendment over another. Doing so creates barriers between the people, and how can we convince our leaders to change, if we won't even speak with our neighbors?

We are all in the same boat, and the 1% really don't want us to realize that. Start Outreach Committees, talk to these people. You won't believe what you'll hear.



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[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

That's all very nice. Doesn't change one simple fact - and that is that weapons do not belong on the protest line. I've got guns - I don't bring them to protests.

I've spoken to a few conservatives - and the ones I have have this perception that everyone on welfare is cheating. That is their focus. That is their vision.

I don't know how to deal with that. I don't know how to get around it - and I don't really have the patience.

and what the fuck are you doing parading around under my cousin's name?

[-] 1 points by EthanAlan (5) from Fairbanks, AK 13 years ago

It's not about the guns, it's about highlighting the fact that the entire bill of rights is being trampled on. We all know the media keeps misrepresenting us, so who's to say they didn't do the same to them? It's about the fact that if we say we represent the 99%, we must talk to 99% of the people.

There are conservatives that know it's not the person on welfare that is the problem, it's the fact that the system will not allow that person to get off of welfare that is the real issue.

We change their vision of us, and we can change their vision, as well as ours. This movement will become nothing but voting bloc for the democrats, just like how the tea party became one for the GOP.

And what's your cousin doing with my name?

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

And what's your cousin doing with my name?

I'm pretty sure he had it first.

[-] -1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

OWS is not in the same boat; OWS is all about this government printing more money and handing it freely to anybody who raises the voice of want. We see this as domestic terrorism.