Forum Post: Unemployment Rate is a LIE
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 11:09 p.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The economy needs to add 180,000 to 220,000 jobs per month just to keep up with population growth.
This past month we added only 120,000.
And somehow, they announced that the UE rate dropped .5% from 9.1% to 8.6%.
By that math, we would need around 2 million jobs to put the UE rate at 0%.
They are lying in broad daylight, and NOT A SINGLE person of the press called this into question today.
Its all a scam. Time to get rid of both parties and replace with normal humans again.
The Gov has grown so large and greedy that they forgot that they work for "us" and now they think they own us. Here is another new thing the Gov is thinking about doing is monitoring our emails. Google PRODIGAL -- the Proactive Discovery of Insider Threats Using Graph Analysis and Learning
The sky is not falling. Im not saying we're out of the woods yet, but the current recession is not the worse we've had. We've even had worse unemployment rates (early 1980s) and come back from that. In fact, we pretty much did this whole thing before
Read that page and pretend its 2011
There wasnt globalization (dirt cheap labor/zero regs in 2nd world countries), 15T in debt, entering the largest entitlement era ever (boomers JUST turned 65 this year), and bombing 7 different countries.
Take a macro economics class; total population does not equal the labor force.
Then what are your breakeven numbers for employement? Or are you just simlply saying Im wrong? If so, you should run for office, youd fit right in!
No the workforce increases 140k to 150k per month. We still have 20% unemployment though.
This is all you need to read, and you will understand it's not a lie, it's just doublespeak.
"the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday morning. But roughly half of the decline in the unemployment rate came from the 315,000 Americans who dropped out of the labor market last month"
I mean no offense to you or anyone who believes the numbers but... DUH...
When they calculate unemployment, they do so based on unemployed people who have looked for a job in the last 7 days. After months of looking, many people slow down or stop looking all together. This 'giving up' appears as a drop in unemployment, but it's the way that our gov't calculates it. They don't need to lie, the glitch is built into the system. I'd love to see statistics that show the REAL rate of unemployment, including those who have given up looking for work.
7 days, no. The labor force consists of those who have actively looked for work in the preceding 4 weeks (28 days). Discouraged unemployment is certainly a problem, but is understandably excluded from the labor force. Someone no longer seeking work is not part of the labor force, no matter the reason.
You are referring to the 'labor force' I was referring to the 'unemployment rate' While related, they are 2 different things and cannot be directly compared.
That's because 350,000 fell off the charts because they ran out their unemployment "benefits". So that skews the numbers.
Yup! The MSM is the lapdog of the Bankster cartel.
What irritates the Hell outta me is when Fux News says every day Unemployment figures are out and show a drop in claims every day they say this shit Why? It's Irritating after hearing the same line for 2 years would'nt ya think?
You need to learn how the employment rate is calculated. Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean anyone else is lying. Total population is not the same as the labor force. Go learn something dumbass
Population increases about 3m a year, which would mean 250,000 people per month.
Hence the lower numbers. What are your numbers, there smart ass?
Obama and his clan are pulling another fast one!
You mean the Kenyan Muslim Brotherhood.