Forum Post: Unemployment numbers magically reduced from 9% to 8.6%
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 11:56 a.m. EST by KVNLGN
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These numbers are more juiced than a Jose Canseco bicep. Pathetic government statistic manipulation. A great man by the name of Flavor Flav once said, "Don't...Don't... Don't believe the hype!" Obama and his puppet masters are fighting for re-election.
The government only issues liar's numbers (the methodology changed under Clinton, tmbk) and the CorpoRAT press prints them.
Shadowstats crunches the real numbers: For a discussion of same:
Paul Craig Roberts: "Americans: Awash In Spin"
We are in a depression and both political parties are total frauds.
completely agree. i didn't always think like this...but the more research i did the more i realized just how much this system is rigged. i dont want to appear like some crazy conspiracy theorist as i am far from living on the fringe of society but if out brainwashed country started to educate themselves on what the Fed is and how they operate I think there would be much more momentum behind this movement. s&p ratings downgrades all 8 major banks and the next morning the fed and thier other central bank partners flood the economy with liquidity preventing a selloff on their prized assets, banks.
Facts can never be "crazy conspiracy theories."
Just part of the big push to get folks feeling better about buying unneeded stuff which they can ill afford.
Check out:
A lot of people were dropped out of the survey.
And the Post Office, the federal and state governments all reduced their layoffs for the holiday season so it "looked" like there was lower unemployment but it was just temporarily lower government layoffs. for the past year there have been more than one government layoff for each two jobs created. That was curtailed for the holiday. But the Post Office alone, in Oct., promised 160-thousand layoffs over the winter. They only laid off 20,000 in Nov.
In reality, the Beige Book said that there was no new business investment so where are the jobs? Its all smoke and mirrors.
Exactly and thanks for the support. These smoke and mirror tactics should infuriate the public. Unfortunately, too many people are living in a constant fog.
real number is more like 20% + 10% underemployed.
this is also probably seasonal--hiring at UPS for holiday volume for example.
It's important not to trivialize this. Perception is everything. A perception that things are getting better, whether they are or not, could dampen peoples anger. On the other hand there is a world wide systemic crisis which conversely tends to fan the flames of discontent.
And that is what I think is happening...Government is creating a perception that things are getting better for their own political gain. I'm fed up with the level of un-checked curruption in the goverment and financial industry that I now look at things from a much different perspective. I don't consider it conspiracy, I consider it rational and logical. The government has given me more reason not to believe them than to believe them....
I actually don't think that the government is all that corrupt. I is simply following the class interests of a social class whose needs do not correspond to the needs of the vast majority, so from the point of view of the vast majority it looks like corruption, though from the point of view of those actually running things it might just look like an appropriate business relationship. It's a matter that the 99% have fundamentally different material interests than do the 1%, not that the 1% are in any abstract or meaningful sense actually corrupt.
So do you think that the "business dealings" that transpired between the government and goldman sachs were appropriate and not, at all, currupt? How, in good faith, can the government print money at the taxpayers expense to bailout a bankrupt AIG, which in turn, had to re-pay the all powerful Goldman Sachs. How can a company legally promote products to their clients while, at the same time, betting against those very products for profit. I think there is a law related to "chinese walls" that prohibits that type of business dealing. You don't think that it is currupt for a company to create "synthetic cdo's" on cds's that do not exist so that they can profit from brokering these "business deals" between investors and insurance companies? Do you think that the business dealing of Jon Corzine, former ceo of goldman sachs, and mf global had an "appropriate business relationship" with their clients. Personally, I dont feel that any of this is abstract, to me it is very black and white. And the more that these type of abuses occur and do not end in jail time for the guilty parties, the more I will question and scrutinze all things related to the government.
No I think that to focus on the corruption of elements of the corporate state is to miss the point entirely. That is, whether they are corrupt or not the corporate state is not functioning in our interest and if we focus only on the corruption we leave the corporate state in tact, which is what is at the root, not only of the corruption, but of the entire world economic crisis.
If you do some searching on these numbers you will find that more people have dropped out of the workforce and no longer searching for work. Hence makes the overall numbers drop
I realize this but I still feel that these statistics can easily be manipulated. Further, while not the point of my post, I find the calculation of these statistics completely irrational.
I am so fed up with the level of un-checked curruption in the goverment and financial industry that I now look at things from a much different perspective. I don't consider it conspiracy, I consider it rational and logical.
You are correct and a lot of folks do not realize that the Gov as a "whole" is screwing all of us, both parties in congress work together. They are looking out for each other and they do not care about us at all, well except for our tax dollars to keep them breathing
thanks, just went on a slight tangent with another response above. i agree with you. i am constantly watching cnbc and bloomberg and all day today they keep showing reports from the Fed, stating that unemployment is not as dire as previously thought...what a joke. S&P rating agency comes out a few days ago and downgrades all 8 major us banks (which are all tenticles of the fed). the next morning the fed comes out with 8 other central banks and creates a massive amount of liquidity in the markets. this was done so that investors didn't create a huge selloff based on the s&p downgrades. i hate to think like this but it is all one big game. until a massive amount of people wake up, the US will slowly bleed. basically, the fed is setting the US up to bail out europe. i can't believe that they get away with it.
They use the same tactics that they used to support the Clinton surplus. He didnt have one until HE changed the formula. Today, liberals CLAIM Clinton had a surplus and he really didnt. That is why the 9% dropped to 8.6% over night. MAGIC.
Occupy for jobs!
Please stop with the conspiracy theory. I've rolled my eyes enough times today.
It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a spin on things, which the government is experts at doing.
As someone already posted, these numbers include holiday help - most of whom will lose their jobs once the holiday is over. I mean, atleast people will have some work during the holidays to get some income, but it doesn't help with the long term problems these people are facing.
Is it a conspiracy? Well, the number is probably true, so in one way, no it's not. But to release the number knowing massive temporary hiring occurs this time of year and the number will rise again when the holidays are over? Hm...that's questionable policy.
Given the blatant fraudlent activity that has transpired over the last few years, I have more reasons to believe in conspiracy than not.