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Forum Post: Understand the OWS Protester frustration, but disagree.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 4:53 a.m. EST by mereesman (1)
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Dear Occupy Protesters:

I must say that as someone who is a recent number in the unemployed category I do understand your frustration. Yet, you say capitalism is the enemy. It isn't. You say government needs to do something. I don't care if you're Republican or Democrat: hasn't the government done enough with through their actions (and inaction)?

Yes, something needs to be done: but it is not up to the government, it is not up to the 99% or the 1%, or any other percent. It is up to YOU. Yes, you. You want to make a difference, then YOU do something: volunteer at your kid's school, spend time with the elderly, the less fortunate (because although we are unfortunate ourselves, we are at least more fortunate than others out there).

You spend all your time at the parks and on the streets protesting - - and, yes, I agree, something needs to be done. But while you are there our children, our elderly, our homeless, our disabled (the list can go on) need us as well.

Protest. Of course, do it! By all means. But make your requests and demands be known. Don't take it up to the government for jobs. Don't take it to the banks, or to Wall Street. Take it up to the local corporations. The companies. Appeal to them to make a collective change to employ more people, to get our economy rolling, to make all the changes that need to be made.

Marvin Reesman



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[-] 1 points by buik (380) from Towson, MD 13 years ago

i think, marvin, you make an assumption that the protester's only actions are protest, and they do not work for social justice in any other way when not demonstrating.

i think that is an incorrect assumption...

[-] 1 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

"Yet, you say capitalism is the enemy" - As a group no we dont. A few in the group who are pro socialism may say that but a majority like capitalism.

"hasn't the government done enough with through their actions (and inaction)?" - It is not how much the govt does or doesnt do. It is WHAT the govt does that is the problem. The founding fathers put an entire govt on less than two pieces of paper. Obamacare was a 900 page bill and all bills today are like that. The govt is full of BS and lacks efficiency.

"You want to make a difference, then YOU do something"- We ARE doing something. Because it isnt what you think we should do does not mean it is nothing. I will point you to this quote: "Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it. " - John Adams.

"You spend all your time at the parks and on the streets protesting - - and, yes, I agree, something needs to be done. But while you are there our children, our elderly, our homeless, our disabled (the list can go on) need us as well." - I will use an analogy i use in construction. You are trying to fix a broken window in a broken house. We are trying to fix the entire house.

"Don't take it up to the government for jobs." - This is not about a job. Most protesters have jobs actually. Again you are looking at fixing a broken window in a broken house and we are trying to fix the whole house. We are the demand. What this means is we have so many demands... their are so many problems with this country... we are all affected in so many different ways.... our list of demands is huge.

Where this is going to go i have no idea but its better than sitting around doing nothing while this country falls apart. At least we are trying to accomplish something. Which is more than i can say for the buffoons in congress.