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Forum Post: Under Obama the OWS likes to talk about Wall-Street but the 10,000LB gorilla running the world is the Obama's COMEX ( Chicago Mercantile Exchange )

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 5, 2012, 3:30 a.m. EST by owsleader2038 (-10)
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"Imagine" if Saudi Arabia wants to deal with euros ( EU currency ) instead of worthless US dollars - Lennon

Funny Under Obama the OWS likes to talk about Wall-Street but the 10,000LB gorilla running the world is the COMEX ( Chicago Mercantile Exchange )

The USA forces everyone in the world to trade commodity's in US-DOLLAR's, its why they put OBAMA in power, because he's from Chicago, which Runs' the COMEX ( Chicago Mercantile Exchange ), and they by putting OBAMA in power in these times they needed a black-face to justify foreign wars, e.g. sending people of color to die in oil wars.

In every recent war it was over dollar-oil, Saddam wanted Euros and got bombed, Gaddafi wanted Gold like Chavez and got assassinated by the USA. Iran want's to sell its oil in Euro's and now we're going to bomb their country.

The world wants to neuter the COMEX and force commodity's ( rice, oil, wood, pigs, ... wheat,. gold ... ) to be traded in something other than dollars, but anybody that ever gets close to competing with COMEX is killed or their country is destroyed by the USA.

Funny how 99% of the folks here defend the USA and their way of doing business and their OREO(obama)



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[-] 2 points by MichaelBlack17 (40) 13 years ago

And, let us not forget that the Tea Party -- clearly, the biggest tool used against Obama (and health care) -- was founded on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (with CNBC and Bloomberg broadcasting the rage of that one floor-trader who coined the phrase, that day in Feb 2009), with Fox News reporting on this "major event" (in the form of round-table political discussion), the very next day. 2.5 years later, during the Chicago Occupy protests, they even posted a sign across their 8th floor windows, "We are the 1%". Chicago is a center of control, alongside NY -- no doubt about it.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

OWS focus on Wall-Street takes the eye of Sauron off the real assholes of the World

Thanks, but TODAY I would argue, because of the MADOFF scam, that wall-street is fucked, its over, ...

But because of the fact that all commodity's in the WORLD are traded in US dollars and the market is controlled by COMEX, they put OBAMA ( the biggest CHICAGO insider ) in the white house to maintain power, thats why they gave him Rahm Emanuel, to make sure he followed orders, and once the COMEX had auto-control of the white-house that let Rahm go home and run business.

Remember Rahm and all these guys are duel citizens of Israel and USA, the reason they want the DOLLAR to be in control of the world is they (federal reserve) can print dollars for free, and then use that money to fund Israels war machine

[-] 0 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

"Imagine" if Saudi Arabia wants to deal with euros ( EU currency ) instead of worthless US dollars - Lennon