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Forum Post: Unarmed Protester being Brutally Stomped by NYPD Get This Video on the Home Page

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 3:37 p.m. EST by buphiloman (840)
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Smartphone footage of the OWS protester named Brendan "Romania" being savagely "stomped on" by NYPD officers for several minutes.




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[-] 1 points by tellthetruth (5) 13 years ago

God that's why I love the NYPD!

[-] 1 points by Riceball (9) 13 years ago

It sucks, try to be heard get the message across that people are not stoked on the wsy things are and you get the gestapo arresting people, they dont do shit about drug dealers and child molesters but go and prptest and they are shure to be in your face,

[-] 1 points by MBJ (96) 13 years ago

I doubt most of the stories of police brutality, but keep in mind that many officers have been working 36 hours straight, several have suffered minor injuries, and they are being screamed at and denigrated.

The law and I'm sure their policy dictate that they will not resort to violence. Human nature suggests that if you push hard enough, someone is going to get hurt.

[-] 0 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Yes, listening to peaceful people chant "take off your riot suit", and "join us" and "who's police, our police" and "you are the 99%"...is so traumatizing. I can understand why you'd need to fracture someone's skull for kicking a solid metal barricade with your toe.

Please, wake up. These are hand=picked thugs of the NYPD. You'll notice there were hundreds of Cops just doing their jobs keeping the peace and not beating anyone all around the park.

But these uniformed enforcers deserved to be outed, shamed, fired and imprisoned.

[-] 1 points by NotYour99 (226) 13 years ago

Nope. They do deserve combat pay though.


[-] -1 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

peaceful chanting is toppling police barricades, defiant actions, and screaming insults? cool, I never knew the definition of peaceful changed so much in the last 10 minutes

[-] 1 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

"Toppling police barricades"? Are you fucking for real? those "barricades" are just portable bicycle stands. they weigh nothing. And he didn't topple any, he nudged them with his foot.

And defiant actions? Those aren't peaceful? So Jesus, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parks were not peaceful people?

[-] 0 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

toppling a barricade is still toppling a barricade regardless of what they are. they still went over them. You guys seem to have the Idea that you do everything right and deserve no consequence and when that happens, you go on about police brutality and unjust arrests.

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

No they didn't "go over them" though they did move some...the guy in question, didn't move any.

Though one cop did pick up a barricade and charge a crowd of "unruly, filthy, hippy" MSM reporters, with it.

[-] 1 points by Danimal98367 (188) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

A more accurate description would be "watch a mass of bodies shoving around while a shill lady squeals and a cop trips until finally the crowd gets shoved back enough for the police to try assisting a bleeding kid who continues to resist..."

No stomping

And he was caught on tape attempting to destroy the baracade prior to this . . .

[-] 1 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

He kicked a barricade with his toe, I was watching live. It was harly in danger of being destroyed.

And, if you can't see them clearly stomping on him while he is lying on the ground with a skull fracture, then seriously, you need an eye doctor.

[-] 0 points by Danimal98367 (188) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

What minute:second marker? "Clearly" is a precise term...

[-] 0 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Starts at the 11 second mark you see the cop in white gloves raising his knee and stomping into the ground. Of course, to a Fauxbot, that probably looks like he's just line dancing.

[-] 1 points by Danimal98367 (188) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

You cannot see his knee but a movement. More importantly you CANNOT SEE HIM STOMPING ON ANYONE.

There is no way to see anyone on the ground. So to say he is clearly stomping on the kid is really just bogus. The video does not show the kid for a few minutes at all.

Sorry but there is no evidence here that the cops were stomping on him.

[-] -2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

lol, no offense, but you are being a massive tool. Wake up, Join us. Or it will be you they stomp the shit out of next time.

[-] 1 points by Danimal98367 (188) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

No offense but when you say this video clearly shows cops stomping a dude's face and it doesn't - you're being a massive tool.

That is the issue of this forum post of yours.

[-] 0 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

It does clearly show the man getting stomped. Unless you think there are smurfs on the ground, or that the police just like to stomp the ground for no reason...oh and that skull fractures are given out by the tooth fairy.

[-] 2 points by Danimal98367 (188) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

It does not show the man getting stomped - clearly or otherwise.

To clearly show a man getting stomped you have to be able to see the "man" and you cannot see him. What's not clear about that to you? You keep insisting the video SHOWS him being stomped starting at :11 . . yet the "man" isn't visible AT ALL.

You are a moron to keep insisting you can see the "man" being stomped when you know that he is not visible.

[-] 0 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

please, that's the best you got, a stupid semantic game? Grow up, the video shows the man getting stomped by the NYPD, deal with it.

[-] 1 points by Danimal98367 (188) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

The best I have is a true description of the images in the video and you do not. He is not shown being stomped. Whether it happened or not . . . this video doesn't show it.

Deal with it!



[-] 0 points by commonsense11 (195) 13 years ago

He wouldn't get off the ground when he was told to do so. The police should have stomped his ignorant ass.

[-] 0 points by Capitalist111 (59) 13 years ago

You people are pathetic no one is being stomped on.



[-] 0 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

yea. resisting arrest can get pretty nasty. I guess if you haven't watched enough episodes of COPS to know that you are in for a learning experience.

[-] 0 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Yes, that's how I resist, by laying on the ground unarmed at letting myself get beaten badly.

[-] -2 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

you forgot he also was singing Kum ba yah. while we are imagining what happened


[-] -1 points by StopOWS (50) 13 years ago

They should stomp all of you disruptive pieces of shit. We love watching that. I Tivo the news so I can watch over and over and LMAO. Get jobs aholes.

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Congrats StopOWS, you're officially a homicidal brain-dead goon.

[-] -1 points by StopOWS (50) 13 years ago

That hurt. You are not my friend anymore bu.

[-] -1 points by NotYour99 (226) 13 years ago

All I see is the police trying to get someone off the ground with a mob pushing in on them making it difficult. I even saw an officer pushed down. I hope that protester was also subdued and arrested.

[-] -1 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

He deserved a better beating than that.

[-] 0 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

@BillyD...Congrats, you're officially a brain dead goon! I'm sure Faux Noos will be calling to offer you a talk show within the week.

[-] -1 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

Did you finish 8th grade?? Faux Noos?? Moronic.

[-] 1 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Well, I wouldn't insult actual news services the world over by calling anything the Faux network does "news." Plus I don't want to advertise for those lying seditious assholes or add to their google hits, by using their actual name.

[-] -1 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

I'm guessing you get all your "news" from the Daily Kos.

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Never heard of them. I prefer a variety of media. BBC, Guardian, RT, HuffPo, Truthdig, Drudge Report, World Net Daily, NY Times, Wash Po, Daily Show, etc...

[-] -1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

boring, boring video... I've seen better stompings on grade school playgrounds. What I do see is a crowd that is out of control, pushing up on the police. Y'all got to face the facts: internal injuries, broken bones, brain damage is nothing... these people are authorized to KILL you if necessary.

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

No they are not licensed to kill you, unless you are a direct danger to them, which this guy was not.

And yeah people were crowding the police, that tends to happen when people see someone being brutalized and want to help all at once, but being held back by the cops.


[-] -1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Crowding the police is a definite threat to the safety of the officer. And they ARE authorized to kill you.

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Not when you are unarmed and the police willing walk into the crowd.


[-] -1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Read Article 35 of the NY Penal Code.

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

I just did, have you?

"[Use of force] is necessary as an emergency measure to avoid an imminent public or private injury which is about to occur by reason of a situation occasioned or developed through no fault of the actor, and which is of such gravity that, according to ordinary standards of intelligence and morality, the desirability and urgency of avoiding such injury clearly outweigh the desirability of avoiding the injury sought to be prevented by the statute defining the offense in issue.

The guy nudged a metal barricade with his foot.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Read it again, and then apply that new found knowledge to real life scenarios. Crowding police officers can be interpreted as a threat to life.

[-] 1 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Uh no it can't: Crowding a person is never "a situation occasioned or developed through no fault of the actor, and which is of such gravity that, according to ordinary standards of intelligence and morality, the desirability and urgency of avoiding such injury clearly outweigh the desirability of avoiding the injury sought to be prevented by the statute defining the offense in issue."

If a cop feels threatened by an unarmed crowd, she doesn't have to join it, she can just wait for it to disperse.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Absolutely not... if that cop gets runs over and is in fear of his life it's say good bye to yours. And anybody who places them with in arms length of his firearm is a threat. Wake up!

[-] 1 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Congrats betuadollar, you're officially a bloodthirsty homicidal brain dead goon.

[-] -1 points by Cleitophon (43) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Good, let's see how he was acting just prior to getting his ass stomped out

[-] 1 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

He kicked a metal barricade with with his boots. They took a photo, came back over an hour later, tackled him from behind. Real dangerous actions. He could have stubbed his toe. So instead, lets fracture his skull and stomp on him for several minutes.

[-] 1 points by Cleitophon (43) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Good, he deserved it. he was acting unruly and could have been a threat.

[-] 1 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Kicking a piece of metal with your toe is not "acting unruly".

Conversely, the "Founding Fathers" whom I am sure you adore, Stole a continent out from under the people who already lived there, and fought a actual war with their own Gov't (the British Crown i.e. the .01% of their time).

Talk about a bunch of "unruly" people.

[-] -2 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

I fail to see the stomping, is this the same guy that tripped and hit his head after kicking a police barricade? looks like him

[-] 3 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Have your eyes examined, or learn the definition of the term "stomping", it starts at the 11 second mark and continues for several minutes.


[-] -1 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

I just see arms and heads of people, where is the feet? if he was beaten as much as you say, there is very little blood for what you claim. Also, the police are trying to pick him up at 3:50 and he is refusing. This makes me really wonder if what you all say is true

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Very little blood? he was drenched in it. He had a skull fracture. Get your eyes examined.

[-] 0 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

lol, I saw like what, a small spot of blood that is smaller than my hand. You guys are just seeing what you want to see now. I have seen people kicked and beaten before and believe me, it does not take long before there is blood everywhere. I'd get that much blood on the floor if I cut my hand with a knife and let it drip for a minute or two. He was not beaten by police, stop your dreaming and look at the real world

[-] -1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

How do you know he has a skull fracture?

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Because it has been WIDELY reported in both the MSM and non-MSM that he suffered a skull fracture. And because of the giant gash in his skull that blood is profusing out of.

[-] -3 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

quit trying to create hatred for authority you silly anarchist. Be a man.

[-] 3 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

I don't have to "create" anything the NYPD Goon squad, and the Cartoon Villain Mike Bloomberg have done more to generate hatred for authority than I ever could.

[-] -2 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

I applaud Bloomberg for looking after business owners and society as a whole. You are doing nothing but making people hate OWS.

[-] 3 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Lol...yes, tear-gassing the elderly, and the wheel-chair bound, and beating protesters and journalists to a pulp...while maintaining an illegal media-black and de facto 1st amendment free zone.

[-] -1 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

why would you bring these people to potentially dangerous situations???? it has been happening for the last 2 months and yet you are STILL bringing these people here. Why? do you want them to get hurt? do you hate that that much or is this just some ploy to make the police look bad and you all so innocent? This logic of bringing these people here after reported incidents completely eludes me from the complete moronic actions that you do

[-] 2 points by arealpolitik (154) 13 years ago

Foolish question... No one brought them, they came. There are Patriots of every age, ethnic group and political persuasion protesting.

You are witnessing the beginning of the Second American Revolution.

The first kicked out the monarchs, kings and royalty. This one will accomplish the same thing by removing career politicians, lobbyist and special interest groups from the pockets of our representatives.

[-] 0 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

it's not a foolish question. sure elderly people can come out but also Children? you don't get patriotic children, why? because they are not educated enough to actually know what is going on yet parents have brought them out. As for the elderly, if my Grandparents were still alive, i would try my best to get them to stay home because I know, this can get dangerous and if one of them gets hurt, it will take a very long time for them to recuperate.

[-] 1 points by arealpolitik (154) 13 years ago

If your Grandparents were true Patriots, and they believed in the cause, if they were concerned for this country and their Grandchildren's future. I am sure you would be unable to stop them...

[-] -2 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

It's your fault for being a part of the disruption. This isn't the way to enact change. Anything bad that happens from here on out is the fault of OWS.

Every person that gets hurt can lay the blame on your shoulders.

[-] 3 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Lol. God you're obtuse.

[-] -2 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

and you are 22 years old. Wait til life happens. Your future self is shaking his head.

If I could go back in time to 22, there would be several times I would slap myself silly.

[-] 2 points by arealpolitik (154) 13 years ago

Hate and anger will resolve nothing. Love for this country and concern for your children should be the only concern. This is a patriotic movement.

[-] -1 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

No it's not. This is not how patriots behave.

[-] 2 points by arealpolitik (154) 13 years ago

No protesters are misbehaving. Troublemakers, insurgents sent in to create conflict perhaps... 99% of ALL the protesters are behaving, we cannot help if the 1% get in and trigger disruption.

Patriots did much worse things though. Did you ever hear of the American Revolution? Well sir, sit back and get ready because what you are watching unfold is the beginning of America's Second American Revolution...

[-] -1 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

No were aren't. Most of America isn't even paying attention. Start looking at things in a logical manner. Stop letting your adrenalin dictate your perception.

[-] 2 points by arealpolitik (154) 13 years ago

Do you believe for one second that there aren't subversives within this group. It would be impossible for there not to be. Of course there are.

There are to many fat-cat politicians, corporations and banks that have everything to lose and nothing to gain by this movement. They will use every tatic at their disposal to see it fail.

[-] -1 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

Oh, I don't think the one percent is your biggest foe.