Forum Post: Umbrella Occupation
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:37 p.m. EST by ophelia3
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just a thought - I'm hearing alot about how the protesters don't know what they want or have goals from the naysayers. And the logistics of trying to unify such a diverse group under one stagnant list of demands is against our beliefs BUT what if we created an 'umbrella' cause. We co-opt Their term for One large company identity for multiple purposes (they've been co-opting our symbols and ideas for decades for profits so I don't feel bad flipping the coin on them). Under the 'umbrella cause' we can then have all the different viewpoints but still show the powers that be, the fence sitters and the detractors that we are organised, and their is a goal in mind here. We need to reach out the people who just don't understand and give the media something concrete to go on...
Right now its just the beginning of my thought process but let me know what you think.
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