Forum Post: UC Finance/Econ Faculty reap 300K salaries, and work just 60 hours a year !
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 1:57 p.m. EST by ineedajob
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As state of California suffers from severe economic problems, there is one group of people making tons of money and their compensation is bigger than wall street financiers. They are University of California - Finance faculty. They are not alone, the whole of business school faculty and programs such as Economics are overrated and home to unimaginable public resource hogs.
Typical assistant professor is less than 30 years old, with a PhD immediately after undergrad and teaches 60 hours a year, makes $250K and complains like hell that he/she is overworked.
Worse, the tenure track faculty shows up once a week for a few hours and make close to $300K. They have life time employment guarantee and nothing can be done. Rest of the time, they are either on international travel, consulting to wall street or partying.
While the kids pay insane tuition and face a tough job market, these insiders continue to make huge salaries, salary increases and don't work at all.
Focus your attention to these PUBLIC SECTOR employees, who are paid MORE THAN WALL STREETERS and WORK LESS than a King or a Queen of a country.
Examples: Salary Check:
UC Berkeley
UC - San Diego
UC Irvine