Forum Post: Two Visions
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 24, 2012, 10:33 a.m. EST by Phanya2011
from Tucson, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Rich white men control...And workers pay all taxes...Women serve their men.
Corporate power...Acting without restrictions...Prolific profits.
Sex as sin is back...So no more contraception...Population grows.
Poverty is good...A source of cheaper labor...And higher profits
A glowing future? Only to the privileged few...The rest just struggle.
Democracy rules...There’s a level playing field...Government serves us.
Corporate power...Performing responsibly...Doing no more harm.
A population...Healthy, well educated...Helping each other.
Working together...Toward all our common goals...A good life for all.
Moving forward now...Into a better future...How can this be wrong?
I vote #2.
Democracy rules...There’s a level playing field...Government serves us.
The ideal isn't wrong, it's the path you take to get there that people always disagree on. It doesn't help when one side or the other adds their own bias to events to draw conclusions out into a future they wish to see.