Forum Post: Two videos that help point out the real problem
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9:09 p.m. EST by SamuelAdams
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Dems vs Repubs is a false battle to trick citizens into ignoring the root cause, the parties themselves. Both of them drove us here over a period of decades. Both parties are are the take from big moneyed interests allowing those interests to gain special treatment in respect to the law either through laws designed to give more money back to the donors or to avoid prosecution for illegal acts.
I want civil, peaceful resolution to these issues. While raising awareness is step one, electing responsible leaders is step two. We have 13 months until elections. Unfortunately the prez slot is taken by either the current jackass or some other repub jackass, but we all have the opportunity to elect a whole new house and 1/3 new senate. You want to make your voice heard? Get organized locally and elect someone who represents you. Upset the 20 year incumbents who are on the take. Raise awareness, vote, never relent.
I checked out your video. I tells how, why and who crashed the stock market In indredible detail with footage of the crooks
Inside Job is very good, I recommend everyone see it. Very in depth and specifically focused on the 2008 collapse itself.
Many pieces to this puzzle...
I was amazed at how well presented it
Seeing it changed my whole perspective
It doesn't matter who the president is they don't really work for us
Sammy, it is okay to call you Sammy right, I mean correct (-:
Great post I am aligned with your thinking
Do you have any Ideas how to do that without going the party route?
Maybe as this thing evolves some obvious choices will come to the forefront as write-in candidates.
Depends on where you live, and unfortunately, it will be a slow process.
I'm running independent in my district, or I will be once I get another fucking 264 signatures ugh.
Many states do not allow write-ins, you need to look up your own states laws for running under either repub, dem, or independent. Then you just pound the pavement, tell your friends, family, co-workers, etc. If you are lucky like me and have a 35k student college in town that's easy grounds for drumming up support.
These are just some starts, again, depends on laws in your state.
So you are being proactive. Duh
That’s really cool I think you are the kind of guy I would be looking for (don’t get that wrong) (-:.
What position will you be running for? If you don’t mind saying
House Rep, won't say what state/district on this forum, sorry.
Don't blame you for not saying.
OK, you had to guess this was coming
What would you do different
Do you have some ideas that are relevant to OWC issues
How would you spend your bribe money? (-:
If you don't want to talk about here I will understand
Well honestly there isn't much one man can do against 534 others, but I will try anyways haha.
Related to OWS (I assume OWC was a typo?) I support ending the Fed, reinstating Glass-Steagall. Obviously we must end the fraud but that is the DoJ who is dropping the ball by not prosecuting criminally. The recent bank suit is only a civil suit and in my opinion nothing more than a political move. The SEC is dismal as well and I advocate not allowing settlements in cases they bring forth, who wouldn't want to settle for pennies on the dollar instead of going to prison? But I don't really know what else OWS supports as I have heard quite the variety of demands/ideas tossed around.
Ask a specific and I will be happy to answer.
Have you seen what appears to be OWS list
I would like The Medical industry and their collusion with the insurance industry to be investigated
The medical costs are a fraud. How does one make a 12 mile ambulance ride worth 2000+ dollars, $32 per mile! On top of base cost, ER visit $500 dollars my cost and I have very good insurance 1500+ to the insurance co. No treatment just some test
I got off subject a little but the moral of this story is they are sucking money out of the economy. It has to be the one the biggest transfers of wealth and nobody even talks about it.
The medical industry is a broad industry, but I agree that insurance needs to be looked at. I don't know enough about our healthcare system to advocate changes to all parts of it, but insurance is another story. You are correct it siphons money from the rest. It creates a positive feedback loop between premiums and prices with negative consequences, aka increasing prices leads to increasing premiums which leads to increased prices and so on. I had good insurance before I quit my last job, no, GREAT insurance, but it jumped 50% this year over 2010. Going to keep in contact with some former coworkers to see how high it goes as we creep closer to Obamacare 2014 so we can get "more people covered" aka political ploy to funnel money to insurance companies while sounding like he cares about people. My insurance ideas are, quite frankly, radical for this country. I feel it should be a non-profit business to help avoid moral hazard between making big bucks or providing quality insurance.
Big pharm is in bed with them as well, but not sure how to change that without changing people's mindset that a pill isn't always the answer... most Americans are just fat, don't exercise, and have shitty diets. Luckily by changing insurance to non-profit this problem of big pharm may resolve itself. The idea is non-profit insurance companies won't cause the feedback loop between premiums and prices as there is less advantage to the company to constantly be growing their profits, therefore lowering the profits big pharm makes, therefore lowering the incentive to pump out pills nonstop and pander to have physicians prescribe them.
The FDA is also part of this as they just gave the ok to prescribe adderall to those as young as four. FOUR?! No shit they have ADHD they are four! Personally I apply this argument to all with ADHD, it's not some disease, it is a misconception there is a way people "should" act combined with parents who aren't fit to raise children that like the easy out of giving their children speed instead of teaching them how to behave in society.
I think some regulations should be put into place
Thanks for the effort. I'll get back to you another time with some ideas I have
It's based on posting the books of all corporations and non profits on the web (total transparency) "Corporations aren't a person"
Radical Campaign Finance Reform: political campaigns fully funded by public funds, no more special interests......THIS is the best concrete FIRST DEMAND...spread it!!!
Define public funds. Who allocates these funds? Are there limits to these funds? How will you prevent public funds from being used to sway politicians the same way private donations are now?
I think our system (political, economical, social... America) is pretty damn good overall, but the people who run it are the fuck ups.
In my opinion, the heart of the issue is campaign finance reform. We need to have all political campaigns funded by the taxpayers from a separate fund. An amount would be designated say: 50 million dollars or 25 or whatever is a reasonable amount to actually travel and give speeches, and provide security for the candidates etc. And that NO OTHER MONEY be used, and that any contribution from ANY private donor big or small be made unlawful. THEN we can begin to recenter American Democracy around the electoral process and the actual WILL of the people. Right now, politicians tell their "constituents" what they want to hear and make all of the promises they need to make, and then, newly elected (or re-elected) arrive in Washington and are immediately cornered and overwhelmed by all of the special interests that actually funded their campaign, and these politicians no longer connect "doing the will of the people" with "being a successful politician." THAT is the straw that is stirring this corrupt drink right now. Our leaders no longer need to act in the interests of the people they serve. Moreover, it is actually political suicide for them to do so. THAT, I feel, is a good "starting point" for one of this beautiful and exhilarating movement's central demands. REFORM CAMPAIGN FINANCE now...
While I agree with many of your points about how pols turn their backs on their constituents in favor of the moneyed interests, I still feel it falls back on the people for REELECTING those who do such things.
Plus what is the process for candidates to be chosen to receive these public funds? Do they have to garner a certain amount of votes in a primary or is everybody entitled to some just for declaring they are a candidate? What will be in place to stop abuse of this system, such as taking the funds to run a campaign you know will fail so you can hire people you know to work the campaign and spend your budget at businesses you own or support?
I also feel people should be free to contribute their own personal money to any candidate they wish to support and it should not need to go through an ideally "independent" or "public" fund. Letting others control our money is a moral hazard issue most people don't seem to fully internalize.
1.) everyone is doing it so there's no point in blaming people for "reelecting them" as you say, there is no viable option anymore on either side....Ron Paul doesn;t win becase he doesn't have corporate backing, neither does Denis Kucinich...same reason
2.) A run-off vote is a perfectly acceptable solution...yes. Perhaps, you could cap the number of funded candidated for any given position at 10 or really isn't very difficult logistically
3.) It's not about controlling money. It is about limiting money. We don't want to give every citizen the exact same amount of money because the population is too large to make it feasible or just. But if you have 300 bucks saved and 3 kids to give christmas presents to...doesn't it make sense to give each of them a hundred and see what they can do with it?
"everyone is doing it so there's no point in blaming people for "reelecting them" as you say, there is no viable option anymore on either side" This is why the country is failing. NOT everyone is doing it. Just the ones doing it get in the limelight It is the people's responsibility to judge who they vote for, and most Americans can't do algebra much less weigh numerous issues across numerous candidates. And I said in my original post there is no option on either side as dem vs repub is a false battle, no need to rehash that and ignore my call for getting locally organized to elect someone that truly represents you.
Roan Paul also doesn't win because while he has good ideas he has shitty ones too, like everybody else does, but is too honest about it to the American people. More the people's fault than his in my opinion. They would rather hear Obama, or whoever, give them empty promises they can feel good about and not admit all candidates have pros and cons.
If it is about limiting money and not controlling money why does it need to be public funds? That can be done in the current system with a cap on total contributions accepted.
You are not answering most of my questions directly and are derailing the conversation into your own agenda. Please make your own post if that is your goal.
Well we can agree to disagree if you like...I can tell that your heart is in the right place...
My biggest issue is that the thing I am saying has concrete dimensions, it is clear cut it is doable, it is possible...yours is more an issue of changing society itself...
My whole aim on this forum is to supply all of this excitement with something practical and achievable that might be taken up by the larger movement.
I'm just doing the best I can, and I genuinely feel that you are still missing the point. Sorry if I offended, but forward progress is the name of the game here.
I'll leave ya alone no worries. keep it movin'
"yours is more an issue of changing society itself"
Yeah this sums it up. I feel the system is excellent but the problem is people are in charge. Any changes we make will require responsible people to be in control or it will turn to shit as well.
I may be missing your point or right on top of it... not sure... but the statements I made about responsible people are applicable to any clearly defined ideas for change that are put forth.