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Forum Post: Two things to be aware of

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 9:25 p.m. EST by justaguy (91)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Not sure just how many people are even thinking about this, but on this forum there are links and links and links to you tube and other sites of dubious quality. Seems everyone has links to some tidbit of info.

So my two things:

1) If you are clinking on all of these links that are posted non stop, I can almost assure you that you will have taken in, or soon will take in, a nice Trojan that will do all kinds of nasty things, either to you directly, or using your computer without you knowing about it.


2) For many of the posters here, comments run from tame to threatening to ... you name it.

Most are rather run of the mill..and go along the lines of OWS is Stupid..no Fox News is stupid..you get the drift.

I am not saying there are not well meaning people, but things seem to devolve into their lowest common denominator pretty quickly.

I don't know, but have seen posters refer to moderators banning someones IP address.

IF YOU ARE POSTING HERE, OR SIGNED UP HERE using your REAL IP address, I can just about bet that you have already made it into more then one database.

Just because I am paranoid does not mean the Feds don't care about you. They seem to care about everyone in the country anymore and love to have a database with you in it, just to keep us all safe don't you know.

Revolution 101 - never use your own real IP address. Everything else traces back to that. Might think it is ok now, but what about later ... when or if, something bad happens like violence, and general mayhem that is taken to far?

Just saying. Do as you will, but be aware.

Just a guy doing the best I can to get along in this big ol world.



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