Forum Post: Two party system just serves corporations, whether one or the other
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:56 p.m. EST by wallstreetrevolt
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But if the Tea Partiers could sway the Republican party like it did, why can't the OWS pressure the Democrats. What is really needed in this country is a third party that bypasses the other two which have been completely hijacked and controlled by the corporations. Cheney/Bush was the regime of the military and oil corporations and the Obama admin is there for the bankers and drug companies among others. It's just a changing of the guard. Maybe the Trilateral Commission just agreed on this among themselves and manipulated America to that effect. Sell 'em on "change'; they'll like that as they need it. And we've just been continuing to get more of the same...
Exactly, a third party is needed, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate – myself – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
I was just thinking about this but from a much different point of view...
I believe the #1 goal of the OWS movement should be campaign reform. Funding political campaigns with tax dollars, Removing the lobbyists and special interest groups from Washington, making donations illegal. If we were to do this i don't think we would have a 2 party or 3 party or 10 party system. I think we would have a no party system. The Democrat vs Republican thing would be meaningless and fade away. With out the money influencing the politicians there would be no point in having different parties. It would just be Politicians and their views/beliefs. There would be no need to divide us among party lines anymore.
I don't know, just my opinion.
This is something you must look into as there's a huge history and body of literature and opinion on this. But suffice it to say that even without money, there's influence. And without some party to filter that influence and direct it to a platform one way or another, hopefully through a consensus or majority, there's chaos and each candidate is a platform unto themselves which would make it impossible to achieve any agenda at all...
How many times have our politicians on both sides fought over things they knew were good for the people and country but because of their party alliance voted against it ?
My original post was just a thought, what could happen if we remove the money and special interest groups from Washington. I don't know what will happen. I do how ever know greed is a very motivating thing.