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Forum Post: Two-Party System is a Divide and Conquer Strategy. Americans, Please Come Together With Wall St. Demonstrators

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:12 p.m. EST by moonspun (8)
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Americans should stand up with the Occupy Wall St. protestors. Chris Hedge’s says, “The criminal class in this country has seized power [and the protestors], in the true definition of the political spectrum, are conservatives in this sense: they call for the rule of law -- they call for the restoration of the rule of law. And what’s happened is that the real radicals have seized power and they are decimating all legal impediments to the creation of a neo-feudalistic corporate city, one in which there is a rapacious oligarchic class, a thin managerial elite. And two-thirds of this country live in conditions that increasingly push families to subsistence level.”

The two-party system pits us against each other in a divide and conquer strategy over emotional issues, like gay rights and abortion. If you threaten someone’s personal rights, they’ll defend them. Our personal differences will never be resolved, and as long as we cling to our differences, we’ll keep our butting heads together while our democracy is gutted by corporatism.

What’s more important to you: having a job, a house, feeding your family, a decent salary, medical care when you need it, banding together to reclaim our democracy from those who would divide us, dismantling corporate power structures that keep everyone in this country and around the world in bondage, or taking away someone else’s personal rights? The theme for this movement should be the Beatle’s song, ‘Come Together.’

There are no parties in the constitution.

It’s not a free market if it involves force, tyranny, slave labor, overthrow of governments, war. Bankrupting America, robbing Americans of jobs. Where is the freedom?

American Imperialism must end. Abuses of power must be prosecuted: George Bush, his Lawyers, and entire cabinet should be prosecuted for war crimes and lying to Americans. Within the three branches of government there should be no one with corporate ties or receiving corporate funds. Paper ballots and recounts must be mandatory.
Meanwhile, the murderous, for-profit paramilitary Xe (formerly Blackwater), has received a billion-dollar contract to expand its presence in America, and is not sworn to protect and defend Americans. Xe are hired mercenaries -- supposedly incase of a natural disaster or if the President calls a National Emergency. But the President can declare a national emergency without any reason. Since when do we need a paramilitary force of thugs from other countries that is not sworn to protect Americans? Xe’s presence here is a serious threat to American liberty.

The Patriot Act gouged out American’s civil liberties, and why did Americans allowed this? We were panicked after 9-11, and though the threat was real, the government hyped it. Our government has now created a new precedent: killing a U.S. citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, without a trial. We have an offshore penal colony that tortures people. We rescinded the Geneva Convention, as it applies to us, so that Bush’s war crimes would go unpunished. This is a frightening trend that threatens our democracy to the core. If Americans don’t stand up in peaceful protest we could easily become a totalitarian state.

With the planet in peril from the threat of nuclear war and environmental degradation, and our democracy teetering on the brink of fascism, we must dismantle the corporate and military structures capable of annihilating us and robbing of our rights, homes, jobs. We must all stand up for democracy – otherwise we’ll get what somebody else paid for.



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