Forum Post: Two False Flags
Posted 6 years ago on Sept. 25, 2018, 10:58 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Democrats and Republicans attract almost all Americans between them. Both are corporate tools, like agents in The Matrix. Most dreamers fanticize the existence sold by politicians, advertisers, schools and corporate media.
The part[y]ies have distinct and opposing ideologies that capture supporters whose conditioned thoughts agree in most things important to the propertied class of dream masters that create the "Matrix" that binds our minds with lies and our bodies with debt.
Like Jack Sprat and his wife, the "two parties" lick the platter clean.
I'll buy that for a dollar! (catch phrase from another fucked up corpoRat world)
Robocop told it like it is!
That is what is truly scary!
Nonetheless I'll vote for Beto. I voted for Hillary knowing how false the promise. Like Bernie, Beto seems more honest than most. If elected he'll find out how powerless he is within the Matrix.
Don't forget the possibility of a write in. Next election...why can't we start a movement to write in Bernie? We don't need the DNC.
Good Point. Because I don't really see the DNC as putting up Progressive challengers to their own (DNC) incumbents - but they are coming from somewhere and in places are kicking some serious corpoRat incumbent ass's!
write-in, in the General is a gift to the GOP, are you a Russian agent?
Beto is no doubt a good choice over Cruz, however on a national scale he is a DNC "centeralist" he will not be getting my primary vote...supported by the "3rd way" group that want to give the GOP minority in the 2019 House more power..
If revolution is too hard for you maybe you MoveOn!
Donald Trump thanks you for your support.
WHAT????????? Just What The FUCK are you yammering on about Drumpf for? Eh? He's talking about kicking Ted Crud out of office by voting for Beto! Just how fucked-up are you frf?
What post did you read? this is a comment to the post not the comments on the post and BTW you should look at Beto's voting record before you line up behind him unless you want another DNC "centralist"