Forum Post: Two Extremes
Posted 12 years ago on July 19, 2012, 3:53 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
At one extreme I own all things and you and everyone else must starve. Unlimited, unregulated private property acquisition leads to this extreme, though it may not be me or you at the top of the big pile of shit.
At the other extreme private property is forbidden and all must work for the common good or be truly independent of the rest of the human race. No one may work for anyone else. Everyone must do their own work, whether or not they choose to take part in common efforts like the community or the economy.
I doubt that anyone cares to live at either extreme. So the question is, if we're agreed that private property should be allowed, where do we set the limit?
Please differentiate between personal private property like house, car, family business with no non family employees etc and capital property like large corporate operations, Giga banks, G retailers or G manufacturers.
For more on dysfunctional economy and culture see: How Does That Work?
He must be talking about the Federal Reserve and all the trillions they printed over the last 3 years.
The bubble is about to burst - the Feds don't know what to do for if they continue to print money it only expands the "false economic bubble" and the collapse will be even more painfull to all.
Think about it - the government spent 5 trillion in the past 3 years - where did it go - why hasn't things improved?
If you had 5 trillion to spend I am sure you would make something of it wouldn't you?
He wonders if Steve understands that the FED is a private corporation with minimal government oversight and is run by a board of governors who, typically, are selected, by bought and paid for [conservative] politicians, from the worlds largest [and most corrupt] banks? You cons are so conned!
For more on dysfunctional economy and culture see: How Does That Work?