Forum Post: Tweet and tweet some more!!!
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 29, 2012, 3:44 p.m. EST by Umair
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"OUR HERO! You sir fight for those that only make up 1% of the American people but control 42% of the wealth. How honorable?"
"Pakistan has fairly low taxes. Why can't we be more like them? Yes their sales tax might be a bit high, but... who cares right?"
"How much of a salary and benefits do you receive from lobbyists every year? Does that influence who you fight for?"
TWEET UNTIL YOUR EYES FALL OUT!!! Or they respond, whatever. No not whatever. DO IT. NOW!!!/johnboehner!/RepPaulRyan!/MicheleBachmann!/EricCantor
Make them close their accounts or answer.
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