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Forum Post: Turns Out the Mystery French Bank that Almost Went Under this Week, Prompting a Global Money Print, was -Credit Agricole-

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 10:46 a.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent (1257)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Turns out the mystery French bank that almost went under this week, prompting a global money print was Credit Agricole


-December 1, 2011-

Dollar Libor Market Hints 66x Leveraged Credit Agricole Was Bank X


-December 1, 2011-

Guest Post: The Fed’s European “Rescue”: Another Back-Door US Bank / Goldman bailout?

Submitted by Nomi Prins, former Goldman Sachs Managing Director



Did A Large European Bank Almost Fail Last Night?



Need a reason to explain the massive central bank intervention from China, to Japan, Switzerland, the ECB, England and all the way to the US? Forbes may have one explanation: "It appears that a big European bank got close to failure last night. European banks, especially French banks, rely heavily on funding in the wholesale money markets.

It appears that a major bank was having difficulty funding its immediate liquidity needs. The cavalry was called in and has come to the successful rescue." Granted the post is rather weak on factual backing and is mostly speculative, but it would certainly make sense. That said, it harkens back to our original question: just how bad was the situation if the global central banking cabal had to intervene all over again, and just what was not being told to the general public?

Lastly, and most important, slapping liquidity bandaids on solvency gangrenes does nothing but buy a few days at most. Furthermore, we now expect the stigmata associated with borrowing from the Fed to haunt each and every European bank as vigilantes will now use the weekly ECB update on borrowings from the Fed as a signal to hone in on this and that weak Italian and French, pardon, European bank....

(((Continue Reading the -Full- article Here))) http://www.zerohedge.com/news/did-large-european-bank-almost-fail-last-night



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[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

We must let the banks fail (who said big banks are too big too fail - bogeyman), then sovereign nations should buy them at pennies/eurocents to the Dollar/Euro.

Voilà would they become profitable the next year (as history as shown us this year, yes) and they could be gotten at a bargain prices.

Large individual private stockholders should be allowed to lose, consideration should be given to social investors and small private investors at some point.

One nice trend unfolding, sovereign governments are borrowing from their citizens; if money needs to be created by debt-money (at least temporarily), at least let it benefit the citizens; perhaps this might reduce the shadow economy and the new stockholders will be citizens and known entities.

[-] 1 points by MonetizingDiscontent (1257) 13 years ago

yup absolutely, let them fail. letting the banks fail IS capitalism.

Bailing them out is killing capitalism. That's crony capitalism and who can -honestly- compete with that. good to see you again o.m.g. =)