Forum Post: Tunisian party "Congress for the Republic" refuses to accept funding from big business - That's a good example!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:07 a.m. EST by TunisianExample
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Tunisia is where the Arab Spring started. Tunisia is where the revolutionary wave of 2011 started.
Tunisia is set to hold elections on October 23 (next Sunday) to choose the members of a Constituent Assembly that will write a new Constitution.
One of the parties contesting in the elections is the "Congress for the Republic" (CPR). Read more about the party on this link:
The CPR - in contrast to many other parties - does not accept any external funding, for example from the business sector. “We refuse the money because we do not want businessman to have an influence on us. And we think that it is not ethical to sell politics as you sell shampoo.”
That's a good political example to the world! That's the kind of party that the people need!
This is the kind of political party that the USA needs.
And needs it NOW!
One more time, Tunisians give the good example.