Forum Post: Tunisia will have a Islamic party in power? No problem: Germany has a Christian party in power.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 8:53 a.m. EST by TunisiaSecularDemocracy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Tunisia sucessfuly held free elections the last Sunday. The moderate Islamic party Ennahdha got 40% of the popular vote, coming in first place, and will probably be in the head of the new government.
Some bigots are starting to freak out: "OMG, a Islamic party!!! They will destroy secularism in Tunisia!!"
If so, secularism was destroyed in Germany many years ago.
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, is from a political party called CDU. The CDU is the Christian Democratic Union of Germany. Yes, a CHRISTIAN PARTY is in charge of the government of Germany.
Now, can someone explain why a moderate Islamic party in the government is a "threat to secularism" in Tunisia, but a Christian party in the government is not a "threat to secularism" in Germany?
I think it's fair for some people to feel nervous, although there is not much we can or should do about the Tunisian elections. Ennahda has no track record as yet while in power and militant theocracy has certainly reared its head in the middle east and North Africa before. Time will tell and we should keep an open vigilant mind. If Ennahda = the CDU then the government will be a fairly responsible moderate one such as Turkey's, and I sincerely hope for that.
Yes, Ennahda is just an Islamic CDU. Nothing more. There's nothing to fear.
Tunisia will stay as secular as Turkey or Germany.
Ennahda = CDU. Period.
The international media should stop the fearmongering, and recognize that Tunisian Ennahda = German CDU.
Hi people, you have all my respect and support. Corporate greed is certanily a great cancer of this world but is not the root cause of all evil. In europe and specifically in Italy, corporations do not have such a leverage on politics but, as you may very well know, things are not going much better than in U.S. In my opinion the world corruption can be greatly reduced if every protest demands a DIRECT DEMOCRACY. If people replace the congress then they can stop all the laws and bailouts and wars they want to stop. Today is not hard to gather votes electronically (like the youtube thums up, for example). In a direct democracy people can decide how much should be the salary of a politician and if it is not much more remunerative than any other 'normal job' then only the ones who really care for the wellness of the nation will remain in office. Let's think about this together.
Now is the time to people realize the fact that if Ennahdha wins an election and forms a government, it doesn't change the secular nature of the Tunisian state. The same way that if the CDU wins an election and forms a government, it doesn't change the secular nature of the German state.
Germany isn't Tunisian, so it's not an apples to apples comparison. Nevertheless, if Tunisians want an Islamist state let them have it. good luck to them. I feel sorry for women, gays and other religious minorities in such a state but it will be their problem now.
The comparison is perfect.
CDU is a moderate Christian party.
Ennahdha is a moderate Islamic party.
Both were democratically voted by the people. Both don't want to change the secular nature of their respective countries.
What is it our business what another country uses as there government. As long as they don't Attack us or force there ideals on us. It isn't our business who or how there government operates. We are not there citizens. They can worship an eight legged chicken and let a three legged col sanders run there country for all I care. It isn't our business.
Of course.
Arrogant Americans have fucked up America but they want to decide everything for the world.
9/11 is invoked and broadcast daily
American people refuse to examine the evidence that was filmed at the WTC to learn what really happened. Americans are too arrogant and too ignorant to admit they were misled and manipulated by their government and media propaganda whose claims are on the level of Santa coming down the chimney to leave presents under the tree. The Santa story grooms American children to accept complete nonsense later in their lives about 9/11 and other very important criminal acts by government officials.
There are no quotas in America for the number of lies told by American officials. There is a bottomless pit of lies and weird nonsense that Americans have no problem accepting. Obama just told another whopper when he claimed that all troops will be brought home from Iraq. The troops left in Iraq are called contractors. No media reporters are reporting the contractor story. Americans now call liars "flip-floppers".
The book written by NYT reporter Philip Shenon divulges incredible first hand accounts from senior officials including the Director of the FBI Tom Pickard who had a violent confrontation with his boss, the attorney general John Ashcroft on July 12, 2001 because Ashcroft refused to listen to any evidence that America would be attacked by Al Qaeda at the direction of Osama bin Laden.
The fact that Shenon and his editors for the NYT decided to hide this story by not publishing it in the NYT when Shenon learned about it directly from Tom Pickard in 2004, but published the story in 2008 in Shenon's book THE COMMISSION is the revelation that only SCREWED AGAIN has published for its world wide audience.
Of course it isn't our business. But we can debate international politics as much as we want. And refute bigotry.
Cool I wasn't trying to oppose what you say and it's ok not to agree with them. But it is there government and it should be hands off unless they are an actual threat to us. Not just percieved
Are you still in a truck stop?
I don't drive and comment?? Way to dangerous;) way more dangerous than banks
Nope I'm picking up my load now