Forum Post: Truthfulness
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 29, 2011, 11:16 p.m. EST by debbieg
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are all wanting the truth. We need to be careful in seeing that corruption is not only in Wall Street. We need anti-trust acts for big businesses. We need to hold political representatives accountable with truth. We also need to hold the media accountable for reporting the truth. We cannot take sides on the truth issue. Unions can be corrupt also. My uncle, who is now in jail worked for the mob and the unions. He did a lot of crime for them both. The unions and mob worked together to get their selfish agendas accomplished. They also worked for big oil companies. So unions are for big business and some are out to crush the little guy. Socialism can also be corrupt where the corrupt, powerful government tells us what to do, who to do it with, and so on. Do we really want to give them more power? Communists countries can also be corrupt. There is no real middle class in the communist countries. People live in fear. These countries are run like a dictatorship. Look at China, Russia and so forth. Let's not forget and close our eyes to truth. We need to get rid of the bad crony Captitalism and get back to our constitution. Let's get our freedoms back, our voice back, our integrity back as individuals, communities and as a nation, under God.
Call Russia and China what you may, but the government rules with force and fear. If you call that human, we are all in trouble. In those countries you have to be careful what you say, how you worship, what you do. They can just take whatever they want from you with "no recourse." The government is god. There is no equality. The elite, the rich, the rule makers, the rule enforcers are the government. These countries also have a history and recent history of genocide. If you have ever adopted a child from Russia, you will see what they think of humanity. People who can't afford children, just leave them on the street to be put in ophanages with little care, left in cribs all day. In China, you have forced abortions if you have a girl or more than your alloted amount. What kind of freedom is this.
The biggest corporation we have is our government, the IRS and now the federal reserve. Lets keep our eyes on them and hold them accountable. They are the ones with the pharmacutical companies and hospital administrators who are making the big bucks and they are out to get more.
The biggest threat to our freedoms for generations to come will be the unprecedented power the corporations and 1% have over this country, so vote the far far opposite if you want the outcome slightly better than it is now, which is to empower the people through good government. Tax the heck out of the rich, regulate those corporations, and have govt provide jobs that benefit SOCIETY, not the wealthiest.
BlueHose, how did your Halliburton job interview go?
What are you talking about? I know you make up stuff, but what is this?
Well said! If you have not already, rent the documentary "Inside Job" if you have not already. It shines the light where the establishment does not want it to go.
Here's my 2 cents:
There are a lot of improvements that need to be made. The list reforms Americans want to see is long and varied depending on who you talk to. That said, I believe there is one reform that would provide the American people the best chances of seeing other meaningful reforms actually happen - that is REAL, loop-hope free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM! I have seen others on this site calling this the "fulcrum" or pivotal issue. Right now the current legalized bribery, pay-to-play system of campaign donations and paid lobbyists has disenfranchised the American voter. Until this is fixed, any other reform the politicians may try to placate us with (be it a change to healthcare, clamping down predatory school loans, new financial regulations, etc.) will be about as effective as a farmer putting a new roof on his CHICKEN COOP, but still letting the FOX guard it.
We need to go back to the original political currency. Instead of the current system of who can collect the most money from corporations and special interests it should be who has the BEST IDEAS to EFFECTIVELY RUN THE COUNTRY (we don't need "Wealth Redistribution," what we need is "Political Influence Redistribution")!
For the sake of our children and future generations of Americans, we need to take back our democracy from the rich and powerful who are using their vast sums of money to "speak" as if they represent millions of Americans. This "Corporate Personhood" that has crept into our laws is allowing them to manipulating our policies in their favor at the expense of the average American (the recent "Citizens United" Supreme Court ruling is a miscarriage of justice and must be reversed. The $50 or $100 a normal American may give to a political campaign becomes meaningless when corporations or other special interests are handing our millions to buy political access to the decision making process.
For decades now the corporations and special interests have had our "representatives" bought and paid for (both on the right and the left). Concentrating our efforts on getting the money out of our politics is the best way we can create an environment in which further reforms can be realized. Until we end the current system of legalized bribery (campaign donations) and paid lobbying our politicians will continue to be the LAP DOGS of the corporations and special interests. What we need first and foremost is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM!!!! If the corruption is not dealt with first, the chance of any other meaningful reforms becoming a reality is almost zero - the special interests will just use their money to buy votes and put forward bills that create loop-holes or otherwise twist the law in their favor. If we want our children to live in a country where there vote matters, we need to get the money out of our politics, otherwise they will increasingly become the 21st century version of the "landless peasant." Spread the word - End the LEGALIZED BRIBERY!!! CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM needs to be THE main goal of the protests!!!
Dido. I believe one of the biggest corportations with no over site is the IRS. I believe taxing our labor is unconstitutional. We should have a sales tax & a corporate tax and maybe a tax on those who make over a certain amount. Another corportation that is in bed with the politicians is the pharmacutical companies. They are owning us and making our decisions while giving us drugs that are dangerous. These big hospital "administrators" make the big bucks, so doctors can't tell us common sense advise when it comes to our health. We need to be very careful when government and the healthcare system get is bed together. They will be the 1% telling us what to do and making all the money. I have friends that live in Canada and Holland and it takes them months to see a doctor, even when they have family members who are very ill. They have no choice in their doctor, their care and the doctor can even be a medical student acting alone. My bother in-law who is from Holland was scared to death to see a doctor when he came to the States because the doctors in Holland almost killed him. They put a needle in his sinus cavity and punctured his brain. They were student doctors. He told us many stories like this that occured with his friends and family. No ones perfect, no system is perfect, but we can make our system more pure again.
Russia is a capitalist country, so is China in all but name.
There is no god, there is no savior but humanity.