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Forum Post: Truth be Known it is the corporations we are at war with.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 10:02 a.m. EST by onemoe (78)
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If you think otherwise you are stupid. Think about where all the money for politics comes from (for both parties) and wonder why has a third party never been successful? The corporations are almost entirely responsible for the shape of things right now. They are so worried that the truth is coming out that several of them have launched PR campaigns to try and make themselves look better(most notably Chevron). If you have any misgivings about the validity of this assertion then ask yourself another question. Why does the FDA continue to approve worthless new drugs? Do we really need a pill that makes up for an anti depressant that fails to treat depression. How about a pill that works instead of adding more pills to the list. They are trying to make twice the money on one disorder rather than finding a cheap effective treatment. Other drug companies have stopped making cancer drugs due to poor profit margins. And a whole industry has popped up to treat cancer. Do you think they will ever cure cancer if it makes more money to treat it rather than cure it? Banks made sure that ARMs were given to people who could not afford houses and the companies knew that they would get the house back. They make money originating the loans and they make money sitting on the properties they foreclose (it's called equity the more they have the more money they can borrow) and when the market comes back, which is what they are counting on, the companies will resale all that property and make money, although it will most likely be Renminbi not Dollars. The government needs to bring these enemies of the state to justice. The corporations are not our friends they only care about one thing money!!!



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[-] 1 points by onemoe (78) 13 years ago

Actually is it a witch hunt? When you have companies that lobby for tax breaks and get them after paying off the politicians through campaign contributions and lobbies for free trade agreements so goods produced in factories that don't meet our own EPA standards by workers who are underpaid so they(the corporations) can earn 10% more. Dude you think Government controls the corporations that is just silly. Money controls everything. Why do think our current president has raised a billion toward his reelection, and where did that money come from??

[-] 1 points by GeorgeMichaelBluth (402) from Arlington, VA 13 years ago

I would trust a corporation over government any day. One has to win your support, the other can force it....... Seriously, need to give up this tired corporate witch hunt. Corporations make products or services that people want and will pay for or they go broke and die out. Government now picks which ones it wants and distorts the market from its free choice. Most of the evil corporations you see will have support in one form or another from government.

Get the government out of business, let the failures (like banks) go broke and stop them taking $530 and giving it to businesses like solyndra. That's your money people.

Get government out of supporting failed businesses.

[-] 0 points by karenpoore (902) 13 years ago

Agreed - them too
