Forum Post: Trusting us
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 4:17 p.m. EST by OccupyLink
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Some say we are politically naive and anti-Capitalist.
Most of us are well aware of political traps, and are avoiding the old ways of aligning ourselves with a political group or following some charasmatic leader.
Also, we are not anti-Capitalist, but anti those who are thieving from the system, especially thieving from our banks.
For example, in this Christian Monitor article:
"The difference between OWS and Vietnam"
The article states "The real problem with the OWS movement is its political naiveté. The protestors imagine that by attacking free enterprise and the capitalist system they are upholding the rights of the common man. "
That is what a lot of commentators genuinely believe.
We need to show them how we can help each other get rid of this monied corruption that is all pervasive in our system at present. I think all sorts of people want to help, but don't quite trust us yet.
We need to earn that trust, and we will.
I have been labeled a "Troll" for the following, but so-be-it.
The person who runs this website is named "Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney", and they have published the source code for the website on here:
You will notice that the headline, or "motto" for the project there reads as follows:
"Stomping out capitalism, one line of code at a time"
You can verify this is true by scrolling down to the bottom of this very page you are reading, and looking to the right. You will see a link which reads 'github'. Click it. At the top of that page, underneath the smiley face, underneath the word 'Code' with an orange underline, you will see the project headline.
NOTE: I am fully aware that I am discussing the views of J.A. Robert Tunney, and NOT the OWS as a whole. -- However, it is time for the schizophrenia within the OWS movement to cease and for them to actually discuss, debate, and come to consensus on, what is their purpose and a sane solution to the majority's complaints.
The doubletalk about "we are not really socialist but yeah we are but not really" is being used as cover for the co-opting of a huge mass of genuinely concerned people.
Since the ideology which most vociferously speaks out against "Capitalism" is Socialism, it is quite likely that the maintainer of this website is a Socialist.
I would be quick to point out that Capitalism is not an "ism" at all, rather an unavoidable result of the consequence of possessing things.
Note also that "possessing" is not a legal construct which can be debated -- but a physical fact having to do with who's hands an object is within or controlled by.
The example I have previously given was this:
If you have a broken car, and you ask me to fix it because I have expertise in fixing cars, and you then trade me two ears of corn for my labor...
Then I have 'capitalized' on my labor.
If you then turn around, and trade that newly repaired car for two pigs, then, lo and behold, you have /capitalized/ on my labor, in much the same way that I did.
The difference being, you possessed the car itself, which repsresents a much greater amount of labor input than my repair, and were therefore able to obtain a higher 'price' for it.
Question is this: Did you ''exploit" me?
And another question:
Is it even physically possible for a Socialist system to prohibit and prevent such transactions as I describe above, or, as I assert:
Is opposing and "stomping out" capitalism futile?
Hi, ScrewyL.
Firstly, there appears to be a whole range of views here to my mind on this forum.
I don't think the whole Occupy Movement is Socialist. In fact people are going out of their way to say the Movement is non political.
We do not wish to alienate anyone, and that is the correct approach also. People, whether they be right, left or centre have all been affected by the financial crisis, and believe that it has been largely engineered by the Banks and Wall Street.
The things they have done to people are wicked and cruel. Nearly every executive has been involved with this evil. These are not capitalists, but greedy and criminal employees. They are the high ups, way way above management level, such as assistant directors, associate vice presidents and suchlike. Capitalists have to risk their own money. These crooks just stole money, while risking none of their own. They paid themselves up to 100 million each in annual bonuses. We should all join forces, of whatever political persuasion we are, to get these scoundrels and make them pay.
Ron Lawl <--- THAT alienates people.
I believe you are right on target. I am trying to be receptive and understanding, and i emphasize the inclusiveness of the movement whenever I can.
Thanks, JP. We do. It is not about who is left or right wing. It is about who is honest and who is not. Some people have been evil, so evil that the average person cannot comprehend. The Government has hauled some of them up before all sorts of Committees, and then let them off. We have to go back over and revisit what they did. They wrecked pensions, destroyed the tax base and swindled customers who trusted them out of millions. They knew what they were doing, and did it out of sheer selfishness and greed. They even betrayed their own families and friends in some cases.
The administration bans everyone whose ideas do not match the Marxist totalitarian worldview: they have banned anyone who supports Alex Jones, and anyone who supports Larousche, and have unjustly labelled them 'fascists'. We may not agree with these people, but they are not fascists: Larousche is a member of the Martin Luther King Society, and has people of all nationalities working in his movement, including Jews. Alen Jones isn't a fascist: he's not a racist, nor does he advocate a fascist government ( corporate state). These groups are anti-communist, that's why the admin has banned them. The admin are MARXISTS i.e. totalitarian solution stooges. I support a return to the US Constitution, representative government (democracy). I do not support collectivism as a solution. I'd like to see the bankers dispossessed and Obama impeached. HE BAILED OUT THE BANKERS. Remember??