Forum Post: Trump Treason Arrest Soon?
Posted 8 years ago on Feb. 16, 2017, 11:51 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Michael Moore predicts Trump's arrest for treason.
Comedians all around the world begging PLEASE GOD NOooooooo - please protect him - He has given me in 1 week a lifetime of material . . . ummmm . . . wait a sec God ... Oh go ahead and send him immediately off to hell as he I said....he already gave me a lifetimes worth of go ahead and remove him!
Drumpf's Impeachment - lets make it more than a dream - lets make it reality!
One could hope & it is a very popular "STORY" theme popping up on the internet - but I am not real confident that THAT will happen - as t wealthy few don't face charges in this country (or at least don't get prosecuted).
Would be nice though.
Impeach Drumpf and bootlicker Pence along with him as well as remove every appointee he has made & rescind every executive order he has made (only regret (imo) would be rescinding the pulling out of t TPP).
Kind of a bassackwards way to fulfill his campaign promise to drain the swamp - BUT - still works for me.
If you use Windows IE or Chrome I doubt you'll be able to get to the 1rst sight below. It's difficult to overcome the censor in Firefox on Linux. But you can get to rosneft's sight via search engines and get it straight from the horse.
partial privatization of Russian oil/Glencore:
Trump connection to Glencore???
Did u catch Drumpf's latest news conference (today)....sorry . . I meant News RANT!
The guy is totally nuts & it becomes more apparent with every public appearance.
I usually catch the highlights on some network evening news. Scott Pelli on CBS is starting to sound more like Stephen Colbert when the former is reporting on Trump's daily dose of fascist drivel.
What would be perfect comedy (funny comedy) would be if Drumpf drained the swamp fulfilling his campaign promise by implicating all of his administration as well as quite a few in congress in his illegal schemes/maneuverings/personal enrichment schemes launched from the white house.
I would probably fall over and die from uncontrollable laughter!
He's more like the pretentious and garbled Pistol yet at times curt and disjunct like Nym. Too bad He's not just comic relief but only very darkly humorous and mostly tragic.
Sorry not familiar with the reference.
Yes Drumpf is a very dark & tragic comedy - too bad for the rest of us that this dark and tragic comedy is not fictional but is actual reality that I fail to understand how he got elected. Till the whole 2016 election process travesty happened - I guess I just didn't realize just how deathly ill our society is.
Well that is understandable = "Scott Pelli on CBS is starting to sound more like Stephen Colbert"
When one considers the comedy which is Drumpf & his administration (how else is one supposed to treat Drumpf?) - and - no people - comedy is not always funny it can be very Very scary & tragic!
BTW - you are correct your 1st link did not get by the censor though the 2nd one = Memos: CEO of Russia's state oil company offered Trump adviser, allies a cut of huge deal if sanctions were lifted - Did get past the censor.
Still - I have no faith that our government which increasingly and ever more blatantly does not represent for the public's best interests will end up charging (and if it does) or prosecuting Drumpf and cronies .... sorry I meant administration (remember ALWAYS the gov failure to prosecute crimes and criminals of the economic meltdown).
It's like I'm want to say: There are two kinds of conservatives, liars and the fools who believe them. And most, like Trump and the Congress, are both.
I have no problem with conservation. Like saving our wilderness areas or stopping wasteful spending or protecting the environment. But I fail to see how any of that relates to the republican party which seems only to care about protecting the wealthy few as well as military spending along with expanding extraction and export of fossil fuels!
Rita Bermudez comment on Facebook:
Rita Bermudez Flynn is not the whole story - Follow the oil money to TREASON:This is what Trump and Putin are up to: Exxon Mobil, under Rex Tillerson, brokered a deal with Russia in 2013 for 60 million acres of Russian land to pump oil out of, but all that Russian oil went through pipelines in the Ukraine, who heavily taxed the proceeds, and were applying for admission into NATO at the time.Putin subsequently invaded Ukraine in 2014, secured the routes to export the oil tax-free by sea, and took control of the port where their Black Sea Naval Fleet is based, by taking the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine by force and not giving it back. This was Hitler-tier imperialism that broke every international law in the free world.After Obama sanctioned Russia for the invasion, they could only pump oil from approximately 3 of those 60 million acres. But now Rex Tillerson is our Secretary of State, and as of today, there’s information circulating that Donald Trump will likely unilaterally remove all sanctions against Russia in the coming days or weeks.Putin will make half a trillion (500 Billion) dollars from that much untapped oil. All pumped tax-free through Crimea, stolen from Ukraine, now owned by Russia. Putin may have subverted our government just to become the richest man in the world. **According to leaked docs Trump will get 19% cut (Rosneft stock placed in Cayman accounts in Dec/16). Feel free to circulate widely.
Firefox flags the following site as insecure and tries to divert you away. I had to twice over-ride the censor to get to the Reuters article. I find Firefox to be the least onerous of popular browsers. I may start using xombrero or one of the open linux distributions like Tor.
partial privatization of Russian oil/Glencore:
Trump connection to Glencore???