Forum Post: Trump shows how bad off the wealthy have it
Posted 12 years ago on May 17, 2012, 1:36 p.m. EST by XenuLives
from Charlotte, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"You know, I could go on and on about the various features of Trump's lovely airwhale, including wondering whether or not Trump would have put in any of those luxuries in if he didn't intend to make a video afterwards to show them off to people, but instead I can't help of the horrible cruelty involved in making this fellow possibly pay the same tax rates as he might have in the 1990s. And what kind of monster would have government cut the depreciation schedule of this jet from seven years to five years? No, my friends, I say that in such a world the living would envy the dead.
These delicate flowers, the ultra, comically rich, are the people that Eric Cantor and other Republicans are dedicating their entire careers towards protecting from harm. We're supposed to pity them, because without them, we wouldn't have Rich People Porn, in which they get to show off their accomplishments (that is, their purchases) to the rest of us. It's trickle-down, you see: We feel richer just by watching them be rich!"