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Forum Post: Truely Responsible, Liberty and Justice for All?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 8:06 p.m. EST by vega57th (3) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Occupy Wall Street needs to become Occupy New Corp. They are big supporters of keeping the 99% down. They've influenced congress and the governement by making sure our tax system unfair and favor the truely wealthly. And they try to discredit the occupy wall street protestors every night on Fox News Shows like "The Five", "Red Eye" and "Hannoty. People who own News Corp such as Murdoch and the board are making sure money stays in their pockets. These people are far from the job creators. These people will tell you that the Occupy Wall Street protestors are greedy and spoiled. Really? All people want is to be able to get a job and pay the same tax rate that someone who makes millions to billions a year pay.

What should people be protesting for? I think we need a more open campain system. Alright the way it goes now is someone wants to run for office (congress, senate or the president). Companies donate millions to get the person they want elected so they can have power and sway over our government. Why won't these tax loop holes and bush tax cuts for the rich go away? Because Companies have their people in our congress and senate.

What we need is a way to make campain contributions out in the open so you know really stands for what. If B.P. gives 30 million to someone in congress people need to know. If News Corp contributes even 1 cent to someone whos running for office people need to know. At least this way you know whats what. Lets face it, if an oil company helps someone get into office you know that their positions on certain issues are going to be comprimised and we the people need to know! A good idea would be that all campain contributions to canidates need to be posted on some sort of web site where every american can log on and see "ok, such and such person or company donated x amount of dollars to this canidate".

Well Let me know what you people think.



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[-] 1 points by concernedinutah (102) 13 years ago

Good start but it needs to go further - we need to end "corporate personhood." We should not be allowing corporations or special interest to be making campaign contributions in the first place. It is nothing more than legalized bribery, and they would not be paying out that kind of money if they did not think they were getting something of value in return (political favors). We need to have publicly funded campaigns that put everyone on an equal footing.