Forum Post: True Freedom Movement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:38 a.m. EST by Seedr0
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The True Freedom Movement is a strategy in which to attain equalization of wealth better than that which Capitalism provides.
I will be joining the Kingston, Ontario occupation and handing out information about the True Freedom Movement as well as a scientific theory known as Chemical Integration. Both are players in creating freedom for all living beings.
True Freedom Movement
Occupying what, and why?:
We are all here for seemingly a common goal, to occupy Wall street, but, what does this really mean? It seems the common themes I can come up with are taxing the rich, and ensuring the poor get a better chance at a comfortable life, something which should be provided in a truly democratic society.
How we can actually accomplish this:
It seems the general public at this event has no real cohesive strategy to tear down a system of oppression that rewards vampire-like behavior.
I am here to change this, I have a strategy to take down the system of capitalism while leaving the system of democracy intact.
The simple answer is not to tax the rich, but to put a max capacity of earning on those who happen to have very difficult jobs, which is only marginally greater than that of minimum wage. This system differs greatly from communism simply because there is no greater tier of people ruling over the lower class and mandating who gets which funds. This system would instead be managed by a democratic voting process in which every individual of age in the country gets to vote on every jobs max capacity.
The new non-representative democratic voting system:
If there was an online method of allowing each person to vote on polls that are chosen by the general public based on a percent of interest (i.e. 1% of the total population wants to vote on something) it gets displayed to all of the population to be voted on at their leisure.
If there is a percentage of the population that has voted on the bill (i.e. 10% of the population) then it is eligible to be either accepted or denied (for a period of time to be decided).
If 51% of voters agree either way then the bill gets passed or denied based completely off of public opinion.
This system would completely remove the upper tier known as government from having any influence beyond that which people democratically vote for.