Forum Post: True Democracy is One person, One dollar, One vote. This should be the official slogan of the movement.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 3:36 a.m. EST by exmachina
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Simple. Self explanatory.
I think through this slogan many more people would join the movement. This phrase should be absolutely everywhere. Please consider it General Assembly and consider having it on the Home page as well.
PS. I didn't think of the slogan, just affirming its power.
Definitely check out this organization... they are building a groundswell for a constitutional amendment to get money out of politics entirely
Thanks to the W Supreme Court and the chief justice he put in....
what's the dollar supposed to mean ?
Yeah I don't get the dollar part. Every person gets a dollar? Or has to pay a dollar to vote? Or gets one vote for every dollar they have? Huh?
I'm guessing that's the campaign chest allotted
That's nice. That way when the vote to kick illegal immigrants out of the country, we'll finally be able to.
So the Native Americans (i.e. Mexicans) are going to send us all vacate Europe, Asia, and Africa? Better start packing my bags....
Constitution states that Congress alone determine who is considered a legal Citizen of this country. Has nothing to do with who was on the physical land first. We came, we saw, we conquered. The spoils always goes to the winners. Go to another country if you want, but I'm a legal Citizen, so I think I'll stay.
So if I cam to your house, then wrote on a piece of paper that I was a citizen of your house, I could kick you out and keep your home? Sweet! I will be right over!!!
No, assuming we were the only two people on earth and you came to my home and conquered it, then yes, you could kick me out and keep the home.
I don't know what is so hard to understand about the concept of "To the victors go the spoils." Up until recent human history, it has been a well-known, well-accepted fact that if one nation, state, tribe, ect conquers another, then the victor does not owe the loser anything.
So, I guess, in your opinion, to the bankers the spoils, to the corporations the spoils, too, huh?
We were talking about conquering nations. We were not talking about the government taking your money and giving it to someone else; however, if you would like to bridge the two discussions, then we can.
When the government officials were going to give taxpayer money to these businesses, I did not see the amount of outrage that I see now. I did not see the same number of people "occupying" Congress. I did not see the same number of people putting pressure on the legislators to dissuade them in handing over our money to the CEO's of these companies. If you want to look at that as a war of wills between the people and the elected, then yes, to the victor went the spoils. While Congress was busy handing our money over, most people sat on their asses, and for that reason, Congress did as they pleased. To the victor went the spoils.
Do I agree that my money should have gone out to the banks? No, that's why I was protesting and sending letters to my representatives telling them not to do it. I care about as much for having my money given to "Too Big to Fail" companies as I do with having my money given over to welfare recipients, but without an army of people behind me, then the government is going to do as it pleases.
My view is this "Too Big to Fail?" Bullshit, let companies fail if they cannot manage their business better. Let people fail if they cannot manage their lives better.
I agree with everything you said. Except that I don't agree with your views on conquers go to the spolis. And I think we are all getting a taste of what it feels like to be conquered (you don't like it do you?) Look, friend, none of us cared when we were enjoying the spoils of their pillaging. But now that they have come to pillage us, we see the error (hopefully) in our ways.
The same people we are against are the same people that devastated Latin America (via inflation and the war on drugs) that has caused a refugee problem here. They conquered this land. Not you or I. And believe me, they (the powers that be) are now forcing us to become their tenants.
They have played all of us against each other fr their own gains. And it has worked. Until now. Now the 99% is waking up to the reality that we have ALL been duped. That they have kept us busy fighting against each other over their scraps.
So, yes, I believe we have a right to be here. The majority of European Americans ancestors were forced here due to religious persecution, economic conditions, and as indentured servants. Not much of a choice if you ask me. But we should always be humble and remember who's land this was before they( not you or me) conquered it.
They want it more.
Money rarely falls into ones lap. You have to want it, even if that means being greedy. Some people just want it more than others.
Maybe. But over 50 percent of wealth in this country is inherited, so I don't know if that is true.....