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Forum Post: True Democracy

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:20 p.m. EST by foolishinjustice (5)
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True Democracy

We like to think that the forms of government in countries such as the U.S.A, Australia, Canada, U.K. and various other European nations are democratic. They are not. This is best demonstrated by today's Australian minority government. How many times do governments make improper decisions and the people pay. Greece is a current example. If the people have to pay for bad decisions then they should be the ones who make the decisions. Governments too often treat the public as children who are not able to make their own decisions.

Democracy needs to be relevant to the new era in which we live. Current forms of so called democracy were designed for an era dependent on primitive technology and communications. Today the voting public can have a direct say in every major decision of government.

I propose a form of real democracy:

When political parties run for election they would be required by law to:

Publish an executive summary of each portfolio (government ministry) identifying goals, strategies, key performance indicators (KPIs) with time lines and Budgets.

The Treasury provides equal funding for the campaigns of each party. All parties cannot exceed the same set spending level.

A contract is established between the voting public and the winning party. The party then forms government.

Should the government not meet its KPIs within predetermined time frames and budgets then an online referendum is called to decide if the voting public will continue to allow the governing party to continue. The party has the ability to present it's case prior to the vote being taken. Alternative parties also have the opportunity to present their viewpoint before a vote is taken.

Each voter is given a secure pin number, all voting takes place online. For those without computers they attend upgraded central computer facilities (We move millions of dollars each day via pin numbers- certainly secure online voting could be achieved if the will was there to refine the technology). Online voting would provide for comparatively cheap, easy and instant results.

All key policy issues such as immigration, foreign ownership, carbon tax, defence, education, health, government spending and so on would all be put before the voting public as a matter of course rather than be decided upon by government. Each major decision for the country would be truly made by the people and not by the government of the day. Surely this is a greatly superior form of democracy than what we have today.

Thank you for considering my concept.

Foolishinjustice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk6MeIt-w_Q



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[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

you might have bothered to read up on direct democracy and linked to it... these are not new ideas and they stand up as off the cuff off the top of your head low grade compared to the many thousands of hours people have spent working the problems of direct democracy.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

It all sounds good until the voting is boiled down to three rapists and a young girl voting on weather rape is legal or not.

[-] 1 points by touchit (126) 13 years ago

Yes the internet is very secure just ask your good buds in anonymous...