Forum Post: True Anarchists are NOT violent.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 9:38 a.m. EST by libertarianincle
from Cleveland, OH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I see the term "anarchists" being thrown around describing the idiots that are spray painting buildings, damaging cars, and attacking police/pedestrians. These are NOT anarchists. Anarchists believe in the right of the individual and his property, but do not feel that government power is needed to protect these things. A true anarchist wouldn't damage someone else's property or attack someone as it would go against their core beliefs that EACH person owns their own life, and the fruits of their labor.
Anarchy doesn't not equate to violent disorder either, in fact most anarchists believe the system we live in now is the most violent and disorderly system imaginable.
Here is a great primer on Anarchy: